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Posts posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. It's the Littlefield Panther, now trundling around under its own power.

    Now, what if you wandered through a French field & came across this view?

    <a href="http://news.webshots.com/photo/2366251810096881803LKJaKg"><img src="http://thumb3.webshots.net/t/59/659/2/51/81/2366251810096881803LKJaKg_th.jpg" alt="german Flakpanzer 140 and a second vehicle , a WESPE"></a>


    Oh bugger it, just click on the link!

  2. Morning all.

    I'm Adam and I'm an alcoholic, oh, sorry, wrong forum!:nut:

    No old vehicles around my place (Well, short of a Rover 214, at least it's green), but one has a liking for old and preferably large vehicles, tracked & stamped "Made in der Fatherland" preferably.

  3. At risk of being declared a "Threadomancer". for reviving long-dead topics.

    Spain never used Tigers, PzIVs, yes, with survivors displayed at USAC Unidad de Servicio de Acuartelamiento 'Diego Porcelos', Burgos, “El Empecinado” military base, Cabezón de Pisuerga & Brigada Acorazada XII, El Goloso, Madrid (Running condition apparently).

    The Israelis didn't use PzIVs, Syria did (Plus Stugs & JagdPanzer IV). They were from Czech, Spanish & possibly French stocks, being last used in 1967. Survivors are in Israeli museums, a private collector in Jordan has one , Danville in the USA and some still sitting out on the Golan Heights, still in their static, buried positions.

    The "Surviving Panzers" websit lists all.


    Quite a few RT17s got used in WW2, initially by the French, with subsequent use by the Germans for internal security & anti-partisan work, some surrendered only their turrets for use on "Tobruk" bunkers (See the RT17 list under the "Various WW2 vehicles on the above link)

    The Saint-Chamond 280mm Mortar –in the Militärhistorisches Museum, Dresden, was a WW1 creation, used by the French, then Germans in WW2.

    Panthers were used by the French post war, the Czechs certainly used BergePanthers and other German armour, until they were equipped with Soviet armour.

    As for the original poster's comments about the post-WW2 German airforce, it came into being in 1955, flying US-built types such as the F86 Sabre, F84 Thunderjet etc. Use of WW2 German aircraft post 1945, was confined to Spain (Bf109 & He111 - most re-engined with Merlins!), Czechoslovakia (Me262 & Bf109, as factories building these were on Czech territory. The Bf109 using engines/props from the He111, a non-too happy combination resulting in the nick-name of "Mezec" or "Mule". Some of these were subsequently sold to Israel, Switzerland also had a number of Bf109s, both ones bought from Germany - supplied with knackered engines, which resulted in a succesfull post war law suit! and some that had force-landed.

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