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Rick W

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Posts posted by Rick W

  1. I think its all Morris Commercial running gear. I may know of someone who has some of the heavier duty spares ie, gearbox, engine, driveshafts etc. Carb is standard, there was a nearly new one on ebay a while ago, and I have a spare if you need one. If I come across anything for it I will let you know. I have a knackered rad you are welcome to if you want one. It will need repairing though, I think the rad shoul be the same, I dont know if they may be a different shape on the LRV to account for the armour.

  2. Thats a good find. I had a little look on the net for info on these and came up with the same info you did. Is the engine in it, if it is what engine has it got? I'll do a bit more digging around myself, as there doesnt seem to be much info on these, I suspect you will have to find out where the Morris archives are kept! Start a blog on the restorations part on here, so we can see what you are up to. Good luck ;-)

  3. If it helps, i bought mine not knowing much about it. Never regretted it. Learned a lot very quickly, and got a lot of help. Sorry no practical advice! ;-)(But then these things arent very practical are they!)

  4. I have yet to come across Wheels and Tracks. Now a couple of "anorak type" questions spring to mind. The parts list is dated 1944 for the Mark 3. The variant that the photo shows is one I havent come across before, but I'll double check CMV mag. I thought the Mark 3 was the type built in 1944. So was it just the variant in the photo that was equipped with this feature? :rtfm: Also the parts list title is C8/AT, does that then denote Anti Tank?

  5. Thanks , Ive already clocked the ebay one. The parts list comes from another fellow owner! Photocopied from the original!!

    Kewelde, Ive not come across this variant before, I dont see how the cab could accomodate 3 people, was the mount, assuming it was one, front cab mounted?

  6. I was just ambling through the parts list for the C8/AT (Mark3) when I came across the following parts. :cofee:




    DB.11798 Assembly of mudwing bolt and clamp plate for bren gun carrier.

    DB.6013 Clip -For bren gun tripod

    DB 10938 Staple for bren gun tripod strap


    (These are on the abridged list page 2)


    Can anyone enlighten me on these. It would suggest to me that either there may have been a facility to mount the bren so it can be used out of the observation ring, which seems a little unlikely, though not impossible, or that there was provision made for a tripod mounted bren in the rear. If no one knows, then how is the best way to find out? Ive seen the Motley mount for AA use, but Ive not come across this. :?

  7. Cheer up, brian. you know what they say

    Some things in life are bad

    They can really make you mad

    Other things just make you swear and curse

    When you're chewing on life's gristle

    Don't grumble, give a wistle!

    And this'll help things turn out for the best..



    (The music fades into the song)


    ...Always look on the bright side of life!



    Always look on the light side of life..

    If life seems jolly rotten

    There's something you've forgotten!

    And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing


    When you're feeling in the dumps

    Don't be silly chumps

    Just purse your lips and whistle -- that's the thing!

    And... always look on the bright side of life..



    Come on!


    (Other start to join in)

    Always look on the bright side of life..



    For life is quite absurd

    And death's the final word

    You must always face the curtain with a bow!

    Forget about your sin -- give the audience a grin

    Enjoy it -- it's the last chance anyhow!


    So always look on the bright side of death!

    Just before you draw your terminal breath

    Life's a piece of shit

    When you look at it


    Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true

    You'll see it's all a show

    Keep 'em laughing as you go

    Just remember that the last laugh is on you!


    And always look on the bright side of life


    Always look on the bright side of life


    :-D :-D :-D

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