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Everything posted by Tunnel_Rat

  1. Bloody showoff, typical Brighton person... :whistle:
  2. Another splendid day out, took in the sights and even a new place, shhh.. :angel: dont ask, as i would have to shoot you after telling you! :roll:
  3. I took this pic of Dutch in one of the tunnels today... http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q199/LFK_bucket/mark.jpg
  4. Yes, all welcome at the lfk marquee at W & P, see you there folks!
  5. Today, i was allowed out again, second time in a week, very unusual!! There will be some new pics to a couple of sites tommorow, you can blame Richard Rosser and Dutch mark, its all their fault :-o
  6. I can weld, if it's any help to anyone, but not aluminium though.
  7. I've stuck another short video inside the Reo up on the lfk bucket, much slower moving this time( over the speed bumps) :-D http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q199/LFK_bucket/?action=view&current=BigFieldtrip068.flv
  8. Haha, nice one Ian, that fella in the 1st pic really looks like someone, but i cant for the life of me think who :-D
  9. Haha, no, thankfully, and that testing of pcp was pretty mad as well, troops doing the assualt course over and over again! Mark, I have a copy of the 20 min version on the p.c, Private Connor sent it to me, its the nuts mate :afro:
  10. I hear those empty barrels are worth up to 400 Sterlings.
  11. im still here, hoping for someone to mention something about something that might be underground or something, hah, well, you never know!! :-) ;-)
  12. Yes, good point there, bin that idea then! :-)
  13. I notice there are quite a few of us on here this evening and i thought, hmm , we need a chat room!! :whistle:
  14. Im sure many of you know of this, but all the same ill post the blighter here!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbBURgFlHcs
  15. Erm, did some work for a pal who was working for Warner Bros on the Batman Begins film, they (Warner's) renovated one the the huge hangers at Cardington. And built a Gotham city inside. Our job was to 'scan' the characters for 3D animation in computer games and the like. I have never been inside a hanger of this size, it was used in ww2 for blimps, of a massive scale. We scanned most of the characters in their outfits, including Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Christian Bale and Katie holmes and various other characters, incidental to the film but crucial, like policemen and waitresses etc, for the gaming industry.
  16. http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q199/LFK_bucket/?action=view&current=BigFieldtrip069-2.flv I should really of posted it here in the 1st place!! :oops:
  17. Hmm, go on then Jack, gis an explanation! :-) I've not a clue what it does!
  18. Extracting Bee's wax? Or for smoking bacon!
  19. Oh this was the post i 'had' tried to reply with before getting a red warning message!! "Just been thinking back to St.Martins deep shelter, where after a couple of failed entry attempts, people took to diving in thru the gap (pmsl) helped by the rest of the group, which enabled a fair few to explore it which is excellent, (even though the bin man tried to spoil the fun) i found that hilarious and typical through-out the day, everybody helping everbody else, top stuff guys" ;-) :clap:
  20. Heh, well next time you'll all know where the places were, you'll not need me!!
  21. Anyone spot a certain person in the clip???
  22. A trip round the americas field . :-) http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q199/LFK_bucket/?action=view&current=WarPeace06027.flv
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