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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. The first is an M911 HET, the others are Ward LaFrance (I think...)
  2. Very well done! I'll be very interested to see what condition the diffs are in when it all come apart. Is there any clue as to its history? - I'd say it may be ex-British as I believe we didn't overhaul vehicles like the European armies did. Please don't break Vince - I need him when I get back :-)
  3. I've never thrown a skittle in my life but I'm sure we can give it a go :-)
  4. Where in Surrey? - We'll be going from Coulsdon.
  5. Maybe he'll get Neil to tow the WLF round with the Stollie :whistle:
  6. It's one of our many possible plans :-). Do you have space available? FYI: it's a 30' twin wheel trailer with a gross weight of 10 tonnes.
  7. In our small group we have 2 Spartans and a Scorpion. If we bring one it'll be a Spartan but I expect we'll just bring wheeled vehicles this time. As I say, it depends what's running at that point.
  8. You can count in myself and Grasshopper with the WLF, maybe another big truck and probably a Land Rover/MUTT/CVRT/whatever else is running by then... Assuming we bring both trucks we'll need at least 30' for each one, plus space for 2 9x9s and gazebo plus whatever else we bring. Hope there'll be room :-) ? We will of course be driving down rather than low-loadering :-D Who else is up for a convoy from somewhere round the bottom end of the M25?
  9. He only works if properly abused. I've found 'short person' jokes are particularly effective :-D When are you planning on starting yours? I hope you won't have done it all before I get back - I want to compare and contrast, not to mention getting my hands dirty helping :-). It looks as though all the parts to put mine back together should be available by the time I return in December so I'll be able to crack on with it then. It didn't take as long as I thought it would to get it stripped down this far. In fact I actually ran out of jobs this afternoon and had to resort to tidying up :shake: I know the build-up will take a lot longer but I'm really looking forward to it. The worst job I'm envisaging so far is going to be lining up the rear bogie mounting bolts but we have a PLAN.
  10. Can I interest you in a NATO hitch Tony?
  11. Best story I ever heard about this was the Allies got word that the Germans were building a decoy airfield with fake buildings and fake aircraft dotted about. The story goes, we waited until they'd completely finished it and then flew over and dropped a single wooden bomb on the runway. I don't know how true it is but it's inspired! :-)
  12. Yep: we've known each other for 10 years or so although we only really teamed up 5 or 6 years ago playing with Matadors, Zils, 101s, CVRTs, Jimmies, Land Rovers, wreckers etc.
  13. The bit pointing up into the oversized grenade looks solid and the bit after his hand looks flexible like a hose so I'd say it's a lance such as on a pressure washer. What for? No idea... :dunno:
  14. Well, it's rare so I thought I'd draw attention to it :whistle:
  15. Exactly what I was going to ask :-) Thanks for all the answers guys. I was also considering having a car radio input for longer journeys so it answers that question too. Now, can my brain cope with 3 audio inputs as well as having a fourth ear monitoring the truck for odd noises...
  16. Rear brake chambers have been modified with an extra section to give an air handbrake (I hate it when Grasshopper is right :bow:) thus they each have a stupid number of diaphragms. I wonder if this was a French Army mod. or whether it was done by the recovery company.
  17. Back from spaghetti-land for a few days before I go to Singapore for 10 days on Friday :whistle: Did lots of stripping down and cleaning of parts yesterday and today. Removed handbrake assembly (worn shoes), lovely vented handbrake disc, output flange from transfer box and seal housing (seal to be replaced). Also removed upper torque rods (knackered), brake chambers (diaphragms to be replaced) and brake hoses (some to be replaced). Also removed some very scabby French wiring (to be replaced).
  18. Cheers guys, Andrew, thanks for the info, I should have been more precise but I was looking at using the 3.5mm jack output on the rear of the CB (or indeed a feed straight from the speaker) into the Clansman harness rather than modifying the CB mic plug/socket. 00EC25, thanks for the info. Any chance you could check that pin-out for me when convenient :-)? If I plug the CB into 'A set' on the IB3, will I get it through both ears or just one, and will it come through all headsets on the system? (Not very familiar with how all this works beyond very basic use as an intercom.)
  19. I was also told they were POWs.
  20. Does anyone have any experience with using CB radio and Clansman together? I'd like to be able to wire a CB into my intercom so I can hear it through the headsets. I'm not bothered that I'll have to use the handheld mic as normal, I'd just like to be able to hear it via my comms. I think I just need to connect the CB output to the 'External' input of an 'Amplifier AF Loudspeaker' unit. However, initial tests suggest this doesn't work :-( Any ideas welcome.
  21. Welcome Keith and Tracey, ...and a special welcome to your '10 from the 1938 Cambridge sitting less than 20' from me in our garage!
  22. Answered my own question about the FAMOs (if the picture comes out here.) Again thanks to CIOS. Recent photos of guns on the rocks are photos 0010585 to 0010595 on the website.
  23. Does anyone know how much one of these would have weighed? Also range etc.? Are they the guns which were normally towed by the FAMOs?
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