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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. Good morning and happy new year.

    I knew answers would be thin on the ground......anyway we have dismounted the unit from the trailer keeping all our fingers and toes and hopefuly without any damage to our internal organs :laugh:.To remount the trailer I think we might rig up something using our Gmc's winch.

    I'm still looking for any printed info thats about (we will of course cover any costs).



  2. Thanks to everyone who has helped us over the past year and to anyone who does in the future.

    But special thanks go out to Jack, 1st for selling us his beloved truck (the mans truck) and also for this forum without which we would have really struggled.....THANKS JACK.....love ya .

    Happy new year to all.


  3. Hello all, I understand that there may be limited replies to this question but any help would be greatly appreciated.

    We have joined the "Polsten Quad Club"

    Is there any one who has operating manuals (not the parts books...we have them).

    What is the best or at least the safest way to dismount the carraige from the trailer,i have read that it requires "four good men" well we only have 2 bad men....:cool2:

    Is there a specific procedure in starting the engine and operating the rotation of the turret and elevation of the guns.

    Long shot maybe, but are the any spare parts available.

    At the moment the trailer sits on "Ferret" tyres which I understand are runflat...but are the incorrect size.Any tips for tyres ?

    Thanks in advance.




    " ;)

  4. Have you tried HO Wildenberg....they had them in stock in may this year only i was not willing to pay what they

    wanted for the spanner or carraige.......one quick visit to our local blacksmith and one hour later he had made a suitable

    box spanner......what a guy!!!!



    Hi everyone and thankyou for all of your input.

    Problem solved.....I went to Wildenberg, yes they had them instock,yes they are over priced,yes they screwed me on the postage,BUT yes I now have the correct tool for the job.

    The one disapointing part to this tale,is that although a well known southern Dodge parts dealer was more than happy to relieve me of just over £200 for a new clutch (complete) and the axle oil seals, there was blank faces from them as to where else I might get the required tool "dunno mate" was there only answer. I understand that there are competitors out there but I have found ALL the other dealers that I have used for the Gmc,Jeep,paint and canvas VERY HELPFUL,these people seemed to be quite negative. Is that normal for Dodge parts suppliers ?

    Once again thanks to everyone who has tried to help me.


  5. Wow, thanks very much you two.

    I have been onto Dallas Auto's and they say its a special size to Dodge.:(

    So If Protruck don't have something it looks as if we may need to make one......or three ;)

    Thanks again for you help fella's.


  6. It is an 8-sided nut, you may find that Melco tools have one to fit. The part number of the original tool is 41-W-1495, why not try Dallas Autos?


    Thankyou for that Richard.

    Have tried Dallas and one or two others inc Europe and no luck,thats why I asked on here. I have never liked borrowing tools preffering to outright purchase myself,but if I cant buy one and people dont want to sell their own then a lend may be the only way....of course we may be able to make one from a pattern ;);).


  7. Hi Clive,

    Thats what I like, thinking outside the box !!! I had not given any thought as what size it may be I just assumed (wrongly I exspect) that it was a Dodge specific tool. Not sure why I thought that (plonker)

    So does anybody know what size box spanner is needed ?

    Thankyou Clive for turning on the light ;);).


  8. Hello all,

    We have a leaky hub oil seal (rear) on our WC51. We have the seals but I cant locate a box spanner to do the job.

    My question is, does anyone know (other than normal culprits) where we can buy one or does anyone have a spare we could buy. Failing that does anyone have one we could borrow (MK Luton area).

    Thanks in advance


  9. Hi Tony,yes if it does turn out to be the fuel line from the tank,then I think I would change all of them to be on the safe side. By the way how does the oil pressure sound to you.

    I will of course update when I think the problem is solved but tbh its going to be a couple of weeks before I can get the time I need.


  10. Once again Tony thanks for your input. Re oil pressure,when hot at idle its about 35/40 when traveling at about 40mph its about 45/50 and if you rev the engine a bit higher its up to about 60 ish.The oil colour also seems ok.

    I have always allowed engines to run a little after use as well running for a while before moving off. I know some disagree with that but with over 2,000,000 miles driven and to date no major engine failures I cant be all wrong.

    Re the fuel,I'm not saying outright that its the fuel as I said i will do more investigation .But my next thing is to drain tank and refill with fresh then try.Maybe a bit trial and error but hopefully I will trace the fault. If it turns out to be the lines then they will be replaced....as I said I dont believe in peace meal changing.

    Thanks again


  11. Good afternoon gents and thanks to all who have come up with suggestions so far. I bit of an update really,as i said I did not want to go changing parts peace meal (we all know that a lot of garages do that these days until they hit on the fault AND still charge for all the parts),

    So, left the Dodge at home yesterday and took the trusty Gmc to a local (for us) show at Stoke Bruene "Village at war" great day and met some very interesting people (Pershing Dougboys and do they know thier stuff...respect) also a couple of rivet counters who were sent off with a very large flea in thier ear!!!! dont you just love it when people know better but have never owned an MV but are experts on paint colour.

    Anyway back to the Dodge,I have always used the back to base set up. For me this was the fact that before re-fueling at Asda I had NO problems. SO I have a tank full of suspect and now contaminated (with parafin :blush:) petrol .So why did he use parafin I hear you all cry what a plonker. I suppose its the fact that the three people who suggested using it seemed SOOO convincing, in desporation on Friday afternoon I tried it. Do I suggest its use..... NO,things went from bad to worse to down right.....well I cant say as there may be ladies reading this. Needless to say within about three miles we came to a stop four times,all this during the school run time(by accident :blush:)

    This morning I removed the outlet pipe from the bulkhead filter unit,connected it to a 20 lt fuel can (fresh petrol) and crossed all fingers and toes including the wifes !!!!. Apart from the fact the wife was unable to walk, crossing her toes may have worked on this occasion. Done a twenty mile run,a mixture of "A and B" roads and atm seems pretty good.

    Ok its too early to say its definatley the fuel (it may be the fuel lines from the tank) but it seems a positive step to me.

    I wont know for sure until I drain the fuel and put some fresh in.......I will update at that stage.

    NO more CHEAP fuel or parafin for me.

    As an aside could anyone tell me what temp their Dodge runs at ? ours over the last couple of days has been around the 180 mark. I seem to recal in the summer :laugh: it was nearer 160 but would you think thats because of the very warm weather of the last few days ?

    Thanks again.....


  12. Thanks everyone so far. Just an update....its not the fuel pump or dash mounted filter,as the pump has been changed and strainer removed and cleaned. Problem still there......looks like its the GMC tomorrow and not the Dodge :cry::cry:.

  13. Have you checked the fuel pump diaphragm ?? Maybe you still have the original one rather than one that is compatible with modern fuels.


    Also try putting decent petrol, i.e Shell, in rather than supermarket rubbish. I ran my Dodge WC-51 the 90+ miles to W&P on Shell no problems. Filled up with Co-op fuel for the return trip, got almost home and stuck in town traffic and the engine started to cough and splutter badly. I managed to get home just as the engine died on the drive and would not re-start. Left it to cool down for a couple of hours and started fine.


    I then went straight out and filled up with Shell, no problems since!!


    That sounds an identical fault as we have.

    Before the "asda" fill up NO problems at all,so I'm a little loathed to go changing things for the sake of it. I can see the pump may be at fault,BUT NO trouble starting when cold and runs ok until it gets hot. I'm not a expert but would a fuel pump behave like that.

  14. Hi Tony thanks thus far for suggestions.

    Yes pointer is down,I did notice earlier that it took me sometime to pump the fuel through. Disconnected fuel line at carb and had to pump for about 4 mins to get fuel out. There seems to be a "clicking" from the pump when operated buy hand,compared this with a recon pump I have just found and it (the recon unit) seems stiffer and no clicking. Could I perhaps have a pump issue,although symptoms don't point that way.


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