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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Many moons ago when i was a kid (should that be many, many moons ago?)

    Dad and I attended an auction where we bought some stuff amongst which was a box of books... inside which, we found a peice of paper neatly folded in the fonticpiece.


    It was an original requisition order from the German High command on Jersey, requisitioning a car... giving the reg no. of the car and stating that the sum of £12 would be paid for the vehicle which would be collected on a given date. It had the official eagle & swastika stamps all over it and a very interesting little document... Often wondered what the vehicle was... and was / am a little surprised that they even offered to pay for it... perhaps they didn't... and the offer was a means of stalling the owner from shoving it into the sea before the occupiers got their hands on it :dunno:

  2. The sooner its finished... the sooner you can get a proper truck :evil:



    was that the sort of thing you had in mind :whistle:



    Just think of the wonderful feeling of blasting along the road in it...

    the wind in your hair... eyes streaming... runny nose... bugs in the teeth...



    I'm not helping am I :computerterror:

  3. Happy birthday to all the other October the 8th 'ers

    pete (47)

    Ron Leatherman (43)

    Rick W (38)

    & meeee


    4 in one day is that a record :whistle:


    oh and

    Matt Damon

    Sigourney Weaver

    Paul Hogan

    Jesse Jackson

    Chevy Chase

  4. For those who didn't get it...


    Today, I have been told by our local Trading Standards Officer that

    there has been a high incidence of scams involving military vehicles

    and expensive military equipment on EBay and other Internet auction

    sites over the last three weeks and they are on the increase.


    The most popular scam involves the 'seller' saying that they will be

    "out of town" for some time but after the payments for the said

    vehicle have been cleared, the 'seller' will then deliver the vehicle

    "at no cost to the buyer".


    Needless to say, there is no military vehicle. Often there is a

    picture of a vehicle taken at a Show, but the vehicle shown is not the

    property of the 'seller'.


    Another giveaway is that the 'seller' uses a mobile phone as a contact.

    This of course begs the question, where will he be during his so

    called 'absence' where he will not be able to use a mobile phone?


    I think the maxim here is, if sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


    Trading Standards have asked that we pass on a warning to all

    interested parties. Please inform your members to be careful. Most

    EBay transactions are genuine but care should be taken at all times as

    this can be exploited easily.


    By the way. This is not the result of some spoof EMail I have

    received, I am sending this as a result of a face to face meeting this

    afternoon. Our Trading Standards Officer is aware that I am heavily

    involved in the MVT and so she asked me to pass this on. She has dealt

    with three cases in our area alone during the last 31 days.




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