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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. The song that really got to me was one sang by Katherine Jenkins, (Cor, what a GAL. :sweat:) It was from Band Of Brothers,.............s'funny never really listerned to it when that film was on, but the words,...........................



    I noticed that too, never heard it with lyrics before, a stirring peice of music

  2. "Operation Homeguard" in Ingleton, North Yorkshire on the 5th & 6th of July 08...

    This is brilliant and John & Elaine put on a very good event...

    A well attended, well thought out weekend, with loads to see 'n' do and in a beautiful location...


    Watching a BBMF Spitfire perform a display over the village in beautiful sunshine... magic :tup:



  3. Woke up to pittling rain this morning but undaunted we set up around 9 ish. Squally showers and gusty wind kept numbers down but made the flags look nice... ecept when i took the pic :roll: we had a good day though and met lots of nice folks (including a Para and a Normandy vet).

    Came home damp n cold... but with a warm little glow in the tum from helping

    (in a very small way!)

  4. I don't run at anywhere near that much as its just too hard on a truck thats running empty most of the time. every lump in the road is a jarring for the old girl. The Norwegian cloverleafs currently on mine are of such heavy construction that even when almost flat they hold their shape & barely distort.

    I run with about 28/30 in mine... much easier on suspension/joints/ dental fillings etc :-D

  5. for that price I'd at least want it to have

    the right tyres on it,

    decent stencils

    and no nasty indicators

    stuck where the

    "totally restored as new"

    marker lights should be...


    oh and judging by the feedback ...

    at least a rudimentary grasp of the machinations of ebay


    apart from that ... great :whistle:

  6. The original large scale model of the Millenium Falcon used in all 3 Star Wars films was built using components from plastic model kits of the time & if you look closely you will see the rear engine decks of 3 Panthers make up a large part of the top of the ship... & motorcycle forks BMW R75 possibly... I'll dig out my ILM book & have a look...

  7. What was that abysmal remake of bridge on the river Kwai with Robert Carlyle

    A laughable scene near the end with an M37 which was supposed to be... well god knows what, a Japanese truck of some sort. It conked out in the story and was quite heavily featured as the guards messed about with it... Not to mention US airborne releiving the prison camp at the end, resplendant in their (just purchased cheap from Band of Brother Wardrobe Dept) M42 Jump gear.

  8. I don't do tea at all... it all tastes like dust to me... bit like boiling up the contents of the hoover bag... I imagine :whistle:


    But I've got the keys to Jacks filing cabinet...

    do you want me to break out his special reserve cocoa?

    & can you move about a bit slower Snapper,

    the rattling noise from your stomach with all them pills is drowning out the jukebox in the bar

  9. I remember visiting Cornwall when i was about 12 with mum n dad to visit my brother who was at college in Redruth. My treat for the week was being taken to Charlie Manns museum. I seem to remember he had the Merc truck from Raiders of the Lost Ark a Sherman, a DUKW and a Horsa? It's the first time I've heard any mention of that place since then... I came out of that place even more determined to buy an MV when i was older :-D

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