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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. An interesting but sad little episode in an already unpleasant time in history. Thanks for posting it

    Sad that the black GI's who served with distiction would be treated so badly on their return home (those who were lucky enough to gat back).

  2. More than likely that the rear wheel circumferences are too far out so the back axles fight with oneanother... my mates Jimmy did that quite spectacularly... till he swapped the tyres round :dunno:

  3. I hate modern cars... all of 'em

    I like the fact that scratches and dents make my truck look better

    I like the fact that when i'm sat in traffic in it people ignore the 30k BMW in front of me and look at my clapped out wreck!

    I like the feeling of slipping your hand into your stuffed wallet....

    only to find its stuffed with bills & receipts

  4. Well I'm not so good myself... :-D

    I'd check the ignition points were opening and closing...

    Take the distributor cap off and check that the 'points' are opening and closing... by turning the motor over (minding your fingers from the scythe blades that pass for fan blades).

    If they are closed or opening very little, re-set them and try again.

    (can't remember the opening gap sorry!)

    Check the rotor arm & cap for cracks, burns burned terminals etc.

    Check the sprung contact from the coil lead into the cap is okay

    The coughing and banging (backfires?) could point to timing...

    Mines still on 6 volt... I can't be bothered to change it to be honest!


    Have you got the dodge field manual... that has a troubleshooting bit in it somewhere... I seem to remember :dunno:

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