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Bodge Deep

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Posts posted by Bodge Deep

  1. My dad has one of the old 'freewheeling' Rovers, a 1937 sports saloon.

    Basically power is delivered to the back wheels in the same way as a bicycle...


    Plus side - clutchless gearchaning (& alleged) better economy

    Drawback - no engine braking so it'll run away with you downhill... nice :shake:


    oh & you can't engage & disengage the mechanism whilst the vehicle is moving so you have to ride your brakes downhill mmm scary!

  2. Missed of my personal favourite which is where management all sit round and decide whose elses fault it is that they aren't getting the results they promised the top carnivor they could acheive




    Ooh I'll miss being in an office

  3. Interesting use of water cans for fuel... thats why my coffee always tastes odd :-D

    Also highlights the fact that not all Airborne troops ditched their chin cups the moment they hit the ground (driver still has, and is wearing his)

    Good pic

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