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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Even if its a Civilian Jeep it could have been used in the military.

    The Duct government used civilian jeeps in the late 40's in Indonesia.

    The US gov. didn't agree with our policy there so they didn't sell military jeeps to us, so we had civilian companies buy CJ's and sell them to our army...


    I can imagine some country's using whatever they could get although I haven't got proof on your type actually used in a Army anywhere?

  2. Now there times in your life when you like someone and there are times when you don't!


    I have just experienced the latter......


    I have just had a call from my business partner who is the States on business and he has just won an all expenses paid competion to be flown down to South Africa and to go and here and fly in the plane of his choice!




    The jammy git...he can flipping well stay in Vegas for all I care :argh: :banghead: :computerterror2:



    there there, dry your tears :cry:, take a cupper :cofee: and ask mommy for a bisquit and have a liedown :sleep:

  3. A while back we went with a small re-enactors group to a sportsday at militay barracks in uniform offcourse.

    We were allowed to fire a 25 pounder and were driven around in a brencarrier.


    Well at one point a platoon of real soldiers came marching so we did the same.

    Some of us wore hobnailed boots so it also sounded good, they looked quite surprised at us.....


  4. Hi all,

    Haunted Hanomag?? :-o

    Did I miss someting.


    I thought that the panther was haunted ?? i can remember back in the seventies (when entrance was free) crawling in through the panther escape hatch under the vehicle as it was mainly a shell with some friends, and giving low whistles and pppsssttt... noises to any female with in hearing distance :whistle: :whistle:

    But there again i was young :roll:




    That's a good one!! :angel:

  5. Yep.

    My brother and me where in his Jeep.

    We were painting it and it was partly dismantled, no nr. plates and such.

    He just gave us a friendly warning when we explained we were hard at work at it and took a drive to relax a little.

    He could have given us a shedload of fines but he was very understanding!

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