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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. The rumours about all members coming to the Netherlands getting drunk and smoking Hash, enjoying ourselves driving MV through various places hollaring at 05:00 am are not true.... :flower:


    Also the storys off me getting Monkeylovin with 3, 18-21 year old girls aren't true.... :whistle:

  2. i did.....

    i spent more than russ for a change

    i got my US uniform which looks real dead smart & then i treated myself to some proper scaffolding to go underneath



    open at your own risk.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :schocked:

    please note this is not a picture of me wearing my purchases but of a rather more slender version of the female species.


    so now i've showed you mine you have to show me yours. ;-)





    Can't do that, I don't wear woman's underwear.... :rofl:

  3. I don't know if you've heard about the Challenger 2 which got damaged in Iraq, I have the full story at home. Basically the vision blocks were shot out, it reversed into a ditch and threw a track. The Iraqis launched something like 15 RPGs at it, aswell as a wire guided anti tank missile. The only injury was a broken wrist and it was back in service within days.





    Wow, so that's a GOOD sturdy tank!

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