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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Well, I am thinking about a trip to the UK to visit veterans and friends.

    They live in Cumbria, Lincolnshire, Cornwall, Wales and Hampshire Have to check to be sure.


    For now its just planning...costs and time off.

    I am on wellfare so need to check how much "holiday" I've got for this year...


    Who knows, I may just do it?



  2. Enigma & martylee - just an idea we could do an exchange trip you guys show us around there and we do the same here :dunno:



    Well, I am thinking of going to the UK to visit Veterans and friends I know.

    Would be quite a trip; they live in Cumbria, Lincolnshire, Wales, Cornwall and Hampshire if I'm right.

    Costs would be a problem...

    I did find a Britrail pass for inside the UK.

    But I'd have to get over to the UK first.

  3. Memoires from a 82A/B.

    With all those Band of Brothers adepts you'd think the 82nd did nothing.

    Well in 1943 they (504,509 PIR) were fighting while Easy Company were running around in England...


    OK, not only Burgiss describes his own experiences but also has contributions of other members which makes it more detailed.

    The events are described as they were, not romanticising them.

    Also a few times I laughed from the funny anecdote.

    Like the one in which Burgiss goes for a crap and is shot at by a Tiger tank and laughed at by his sargeant when he hops for safety while pulling his trousers up...


    I have just read the part in which they fought in Holland.

    Recomended reading I think...

  4. Well fast for Neil, Mark :evil: :evil: :evil: :whistle:




    Just so happens it might be Neil as well as a certain Saracen owner also, Looks like Essex just scored a hat trick

    :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana:




    :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:





    those bananas and cheerleaders look like a shooting gallery!

    Who's first on the quad .50?

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