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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. ok guys here is the deal - you can have the same salary as me and as much time off as me. :-D


    ...........now lets see who still wants a job :whistle: :whistle:



    Hmmmm, for me its lot of free time (with a sword hanging above my neck), and raking in a whopping 470 GBP a month....not very ideal either.....

  2. When I go out its 30 miles away so I sleep in the back of my Renault Express, also at Beltring.


    You want heating at night or a good sleeping bag in the winter!

    Condensation will happen when its cold...


    Basically you can do it although you better cook outside for safety resons.

    A generator would be handy, you could plug in a watercooker, lamp and such.

    Be sure the generator has enough watts for appliances!!



  3. You can buy the iron-on sheets of paper form somewhere like W H Smiths and print your own name off then iron it on or maybe that could be done when the shirts are sent out. One sheet of paper must hold loads of names then just cut of the name you need and send with the shirt ?????? or get Jack to iron it on :rofl:


    Thats the best i can come up with at the moment.



    Sounds OK, that way we have uniformity in the names.

  4. Hi mate.


    I am still here......propping up the Empire and keeping the global economy going :evil:


    Its alright for those who just have kitchens to fit and buy even more vehicles :evil: but on a serious note I am doing about a 15 hour day at the moment and I don't think that is going to change for a while until staff increases :-( To be honest, I have never been so busy in all of my life and I am away again at the end of the month for a week :computerterror2:


    Looking forward to the spring :-D



    So hire some help then??!!

    A shame I live here, you could have given me a job...

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