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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Enigma, you are in the bottom right photo and if you look carefully you can see my Dodge too. I'll always put up the big flag from now on because it makes it so much easier to find my Dodge on photo's.



    well spotted! I can see you standing in the Dodge.

    yep, its me on the Parabike riding in the opposite direction.

    The sand in the corners was difficult on the bicycle...

    The first one I didn't get through, the next 2 I managed going top speed and drifting all over cheered on by the public.

  2. The event is called Tanks in Town, it takes place August bank holiday weekend and is based around the Belgium town of Mons. If you type Tanksintown (all one word) in Google theres racks of sites to check out. I took my M4 A4 Sherman over( its second trip) for the weekend, its awesome driveing about 25 miles around Mons in convoy with other tanks, halftracks, m8s etc. Fantastic time cant wait for next year




    Got pics of your tank? Show them!!

  3. This looks like the Netherlands before WW2.

    Our Armed Forces were undertrained, underequiped (Artillery from the 1880's), and unprepared because of budget cuts and the peacemovement.

    We (Westsern Europe) are going to have every trained soldier when the sh*t hits the fan in a few decades if not earlier.


    Its dispicable!

    Here a poster for the men who want to castrate the British Army...pardon its French...


    [attachment deleted by admin]

  4. My Dodge is on Milweb and I got a reply which I recognised as a probable scam right away.

    I'll put the emails here.


    How are you doing.I hope you doing fine and your family.I am writing you to

    let you know that i am interested in buying the above advert for sale and

    pls kindly get back to me with present condition ,price and pictures of it

    for me to see. I hope to read from you again with the required

    details about it from you.

    Sorensen Silo G.



    Hi Sorensen

    The vehicle is OK, ready to drive!

    I am asking 22 000 euro.

    Here pictures.

    If you need specific info, just email.


    "Thanks for your mail back of which i am so much happy because i am satisfied,impressed and happy you still have it for sale.I want you to know that yes the money for it will be delivered to your location before the Dodge WC 21, 1/2 ton Pick Upwill be collected of course.


    I will like to pay the full amount of 22.000 Euros for the Vehicle plus an extra 50 euros for you to keep other buyers off and 10 euros to have it deleted till it is picked up by this agent.


    To reduce your stress in the shipping aspect for me because my Agent will come to your location/your house to collect from you ,i would like you to know that my mode of payment would go like this as it would be easy for both of us and safe.


    About the payment,Can i trust you? to have my banker send you a bankers draft {cheque} of the sum of 18.850 €uros and when you receive this cheque,you are to proceed to your bank with the cheque and have the money cleared and then you deduct your own total amount of money.


    And you have taken your own money,the remaining balance left after you might have deduct your own money should be sent/wired to my agent that will come to your house to collect it for me..


    The balance/remaining money will be used as the transport fare and some other expenses that might be involved during the shipment of it and some other things i bought for my family.


    If yes,so kindly get back to me with your details below :


    YOUR FULL NAMES as to appear on the payment :






    Phone number {home}


    Mobile number :


    I await for your soonest response.



    Sorensen Silo G.






  5. Hi All

    I just returned from the Belgian Ardennes for a commemorative march with 3 others from a re-enactmentgroup I belong to.

    Lots of other re-enactment groups and civilians attended.

    Althouh we hoped for cold and snow it was warm (6 degrees celsius).

    I soon found out I was overdressed along with 1 of the others, wearing fur lined boots also turned out to be a bad decision.

    Although there was no snow I did wear a 1943 snow pants and a white painted helmet.


    The route consisted of 3 lenghts; 5, 15 and 20 KM (about 3, 9 and 13 Miles).

    The 3 others of the group took the 5 KM route, I took the 20 KM one.

    I joined a few Belgian re-enactors and buddy'd op with 1 of them, he marched quite fast which I like. At about 3/4 of the way I really began to feel my feet and some strain to my legs.

    The boots had seperate insoles and 1 caused a blister at my heel.


    The countryside is somewhat hilly not too steep though. For small parts we were led through the woods where re-enactors had set up display with vehicles and foxholes.

    The last mile was a bit uneven with some loose rocks and it also started to rain a little.

    Met some fellow re-enactors from the Netherlands and Great Brittain.

    I met M8 greyhound, whislingwolf and a Greg (HMVF?), didn't see Joris though.


    The last few hundered feet (downhill) we did running.

    We were glad we completed the march.


    Now as I write this I have sore feed and muscleaches in my calfs and thighs - ah well; nothing compared to the hardships the guys in 1944 must have endured.


    I gained some extra RESPECT for the veterans after this!

    On 17 Feb. next year antoher march will be held in La Gleize.

    I heard that that one is very intense because the country side is much more steeper, also it will get very cold I think. Don't know if I will attend...



    width=360 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/T214/ArdennentochtDec2006008Small.jpg[/img]

    M8 greyhound looking into the enginecompartment.

    width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/T214/ArdennentochtDec2006002Small.jpg[/img]


    width=360 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/T214/ArdennentochtDec2006026Small.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/T214/ArdennentochtDec2006024Small.jpg[/img]

    Quarry near the end of the route.

    width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/T214/ArdennentochtDec2006040Small.jpg[/img]


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