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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Oh for gods sake.......now what his he gone and done :schocked:


    He spends a couple of hours under ground with Paul and comes up and declares that he has seen the light.....didn't know that he was referring to a Pig :-o


    Not to sure what to think to be honest, either Mrs Hardyferret has gone soft since Mr HF fitted a new kitchen or that Clive has been working on him :? :?


    Was getting concerned about the Stolly guys trying take over this place but now we need to be watching the Pig boys :computerterror2:


    Hey Jack

    Us Dodge Dudes are lurking, waiting to strike...

  2. Great weekend but alas one casualty


    Paul's stomach ache turned out to be a rumbling appendix so he is now laid up after a successful removal.


    He now carries a chit specifically for Fred and Phil ........No stomach jumping or tying up for at least three months. He may be fit for tying at Beltring but will have to wait and see what the MO says.


    In comment to the bits there and what we'd like.


    Got to be the Bofors on the Morris, the Abbot is pretty good as well, Sexton, AS90 :drool: :drool: :drool:, The Snow cat with the 105 light gun and the Stormer. (Not neccessarilly in that order)





    Get well soon!

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