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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. 22 hours ago, Degsy said:

    Hi Olaf, yes, we used to have a member list and it was on recently as I looked at it but it has disappeared now. I think you need to have a word with Joris.

    ps I wonder if it has anything to do with the new privacy laws which came into force recently.

    Thanks Degsy

    It may indeed have something to do with the privacy laws.

  2. 1 hour ago, BRDM Driver said:

    Well I had a chat with the examiner and he didn't 'think' a small mini digger was suitable. So I will be using the Abbot.

    Regarding rear visibility, he just wants to see me use mirrors and common sense combined with a slow and careful manoeuvering. I did explain that I would normally always have a commander in the turret to check behind and for traffic that's too close when out on the road.

    Would it be possible to bring someone extra as a commander (safety perseon) for the test??

  3. 7 hours ago, gas 44 said:

    I'm not sure that I agree about the booking and paying and not what you bring.

    I was under the impression it was a military vehicle sort of show, not a white van show ??

    I meant the organisors don't seem to care about what people bring, as long as payment is made.

  4. 1 hour ago, paul connor said:

    I thought I would add a concluding summary to my previous posts.


    Good Points:

    Vehicles/Displays. Turn out was pretty good, there were loads of new vehicles large and small I had never seen. Also a good supply of armour being displayed. Living history was good, with some nice details. Home Front village is expanding and I really do love it there. Great effort to all concerned. I enjoyed that the best for sure.

    Staff. Well after my initial run in with Mr Rude, the booking-in official, the rest seemed very helpful. I guess that one guy, who upset others, needs addressing and maybe asked to not attend in future if he has such a poor attitude. Booking in should be greeting exhibitors, as well as handing them all the programme and welcome pack, something I also did not get. Overall good, except an individual.

    Public. I think other than the Saturday there was a significant drop in numbers, maybe this was the weather or the lack of a full weekend for their attendance. Saturday was clearly busier, which was good and the arena was watched by a huge crowd.

    Music/Beer tents. Victory was very low in attendance the nights I walked up there, which was quite strange as it is usually very busy. Spitfire tent was quite good with a new stage, which is a nice touch. The music wasn't to my liking, but I wasn't there to watch bands and being into Metal I was fully aware I would not get Motörhead or Iron Maiden! But the addition of stage is good and the atmosphere there the Saturday night was good and seemed popular.

    Toilets. We booked our own, so I cannot really comment on that. But I didn't notice many around. So for me, showers and toilets were excellent.



    Mr Rude. See above and previous posts.

    Bins. Where were they? Black bags left in piles all through the living history areas and stalls. This looked awful and could easily be resolved. There was a decline in the  metal drums and their placement and number was insufficient. This caused people to create small piles of rubbish in areas. Not very nice, especially with the temperature.

    Nazi Fanatics. While I do not have an issue with displays personally, I did this year with a few things I saw. Firstly was Nazi tattoos. A man with a full Himler sleeve piece on his arm, somewhat concerning! more so with the Swastika on the other upper arm. Another was noticed with clear Swastikas on both arms and a Tottenkopf deaths head on his hands. While freedom of expression is something that we all support, the subjective connotations this presented was somewhat shocking, moreover when wearing uniform to support it! But, that is not to be controlled by show staff I guess, just rather sinister to witness, especially with a German fiancee.  In the back field there was one man by himself in a civilian tent with Swastika bunting and a huge Swastika flag in the doorway of his tent. I have no idea what that was for or why? But it is unnecessary and as it has no context is offensive to many.

    Caravans. It was disappointing to see so many displays ruined by civilian tents, caravans, gazebos and tarpaulins, losing the 'green' feel of the show. I was very surprised so many "UN" vehicles were paraded as having history and allowed in the displays. A 2004 Land Rover discovery is not UN, and the two Citroen Berlingo vans with UN on the sides made me realise that booking in do not care what rubbish people display as long as they have paid. These vehicles and civilian displays need to be all together, not mixed with people who have made such a valid and creditable effort.

    Stalls. Bit lower than normal in numbers. A shame as the two stalls I actually went there for have boycotted the show, which is a shame - mail order it is then. I was a little confused with stalls selling such items as crystal skulls and healing crystals and shoe laces? I guess it will become a local market before long with a Del Boy and a suitcase selling fax machines and wind up porcelain cats that play 'how much is that doggy in the window'?


     8/10.  Overall a good show, but I fear the numbers were a touch lower. Great to see some old friends whom I have not seen in a few years, and great social aspect to it all

    More bins,  clear the civilian rubbish away from displays and keep it green! That's what people come to see, and monitor the area to ensure, like it was before, rules are adhered to with displays.





    About mixing wrong and right vehicles.

    I agree in principle but don't forget most of these mixes occur when friends camp together.

    At Folkestone it was supposed to be WW2 and post war seperated. But how would that work if 1 friend has a WW2 Jeep and another a landrover? So would our little group have to break up?

    And yes, booking and paying is the important thing, not what you bring.

    I was quite surprised last year to see caravans and vehicles mixed but it seemed to not be a problem.


    At Folkestone my friend had to cover his "claasic' vehicle because he was in the Ww2 field. When entering he was told to park anywhere. A official said only "mint and concourse condition" vehicles were allowed as classics and his was just a "old car", (Ok, it was a 1984 renault 5.) what a joker he was...guess he was a little man with a bit of power who just wanted to be OBEYED..

    So we bought expensive  materials to cover up but the big blue German truck was left as is even though Little %$#$@ said he'd do something about that one too. And maaaany more vehicles too.

    Why didn't you just go up to the UN guys for a talk?

    Still I do get your point.

  5. Just a few observations.

    Toilets , in the America's field where you enter were ok. None of those, "look at Poo Mountain when you enter".  Mostly toilet paper available. A toilet block (white building) would have been nice.

    When we arrived in America's field all seemed roped off. We went to a official at the entrance of US field and he was very helpful, we got a good spot.

    There seemed to be a lot of showers near  the stone building.  The Hop farm itself should built a showerblock at the America's field. We were glad to see a waterpoint in the  America's field. Anyway, a few showers in the America's field would have been nice.

    So at least in my view some improvements over last year.


  6. 3 hours ago, paulob1 said:

    seeing the architect tomorrow, hopefully to finalise the buildings, the council are going to issue an enforcement notice for me to remove the items from the field prior to the application going in which is a pain and makes me think I want to move elsewhere with my museum...why give it to an unresponsive and useless council so they can simply screw me around. I am sure I can find a council that will embrace my ideas.  i have had the local MP give me a heads up saying he is interested but I do not want to involve him at this stage.   

    They do  seem to make you jump through hoops.

    Lets hope you get it sorted soon.

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