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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. This morning I got the news that my WW2 veteran friend Owen passed away.

    He was a Batallion sniper in the 53rd Welsh division, East Lancashire regiment.

    I met him years ago at the liberation festivities in Den Bosch which was liberated by the 53rd in Oct 1944. Also the only 53rd Div monument in Europe in in the city.

    I allways enjoyd his company. I am very glad I saw him last October and he instantly recongnised me and called out Olaf!. He was getting forgetfull I was told so I was soo happy he recognised me.


    Rest in peace my friend, till we meet again.

    (Portrait photo by Beverly C.)


    Owen 18 years old (Large).jpg

    Owen Butcher.jpg

  2. On 8/22/2019 at 9:32 PM, Degsy said:

    I was wrong Olaf:$, I answered you without looking at the pic, it is actually a FWD Har 1. Sorry about that Olaf, for punishment I have awarded myself 100 lines, put brain into gear before applying fingers to keyboard.:writing:

    You're forgiven Degsy.

    We all make mistakes, even me.

  3. When arriving on the Saturday I was surprised to find big open area's in the America's field. We had a good spot near the spot we used to camp.

    Toilets, to my surprise they were stocked with toilet paper every time I went and they were quit clean.

    Also noticed less re-enactors, Tracked vehicles, and less traders. Also the abscence (for some years) of the big MV collectors like SDKFZ (Wheatcroft).

    Unfortunaltely the bad weather prevented the Lancaster over flight.

    I loved to see a Fieseler Storch earlier in the week. Never seen it before.

    Last year I stayed in our camp but this year I went to the concerts next to the area. Much nicer than standing around in a beer tent. I enjoyed the music.


    I heard that this years all re-enactors had to pay, is that true?


    Anyway I agree with Paul about Brexit. ( I'll not go into politics).

    I can imagine some mainland traders not booking early because of the uncertainty of the actual date. Maybe some MV owners also stayed away and went some where else. I myself was wondering what would have happened if Brexit was done last May.

    Depending on the outcome would I have to give a invertory of what I had in the car? Would there be huge delays because of checks etc. Luckily for ME no Brexit yet. But next year could be a deal breaker for traders. If they had to pay import taxes and have lenghty border checks a lot will stay away.


    My W&P...I had fun. Meeting old friends like Markheliops, Gritineye, Martin H. is always good. Made a few new friends.

    Bought some bits. Enjoyed the live music. Seen some beautiful ladies walking about. Enjoyed seeing the Storch. Sweated like a leaky radiator on a inflatable couch, trundled through the mud.

    AND, enjoyed the ride in the Saurer of Andy.


    So, It was a good year.

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