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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. There is one thing I don't like also.

    AFTER paying you find yourself in the position you HAVE to choose basecamp now, Veghel or Grave.

    And to give vehicle details

    I more or less gambled on Veghel, but what if my group decides to be in Grave ? Its hard to decide 2 years in advance!

    Or what if my vehicle can't make it and/or I have another one instead.


    If I knew this before I would have waited before registering and paying. Now I didn't have a option but to choose because I had allready paid..

  2. Only 1 minute ago my brother called me to let me know Emrys passed away this morning (he probably got a app from Emrys'son).

    Emrys was a proud Welshman who also spoke Welsh.

    He wore the image of the Sospan his unit was allowed to wear on his jacket.

    The 53rd Welsh division liberated Den Bosch, near to me where we got to know him.

    He is the left one in the photo with 2 of his veteran friends (Jimmy, Para RIP and Richard, 30 Corps) and companions.

    When we were in Devon in Nov 2016 we drove to Cardiff just to visit him, that was the last time we saw him. I last called him in November last year.

    He will be missed.

    IMG_0164 (Medium).JPG

  3. 1 hour ago, Chris Hall said:

    Under the laws of salvage, does a lost/sunk government owned ship and its cargo not remain the property of that government regardless of age?

    Could be, but wouldn't leand/lease make a difference?

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