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Posts posted by mcspool

  1. If it served with the forces and was issued a military number plate - it has a military service record.


    In my book - that makes it a military vehicle and is worthy of being maintained and kept in the way other MV's are looked after - pile of junk or not.


    I agree on the first bit.


    The second bit is really about your definition of military vehicle, or even Historic Military Vehicle for that matter:

    a) any vehicle that was acquired and used by the armed forces;

    b) any vehicle which was purposely built for acquisition and use by the armed forces.


    The first category contains the likes of the vehicle in question here: ones that were designed and built for the commercial/civilian market, but can fullfill a certain military role with a few additions (paint, lighting, fire extinguisher, first aid kit etc).

    The second category speaks for itself I think.


    I think it is all about one´s personal interest if any type of vehicle is worth being kept.



  2. A recent poll showed only the youngest generation has no hard feelings towards the Germans. So, apparently, those feelings can be handed down a couple of generations (who did not have to live through it) before it wears off.


    Here's an example of how the attidude slowly - very slowly! - starts to shift: http://www.dag.nl/1070067/Nieuws/Artikelpagina-Nieuws/Standbeeld-voor-Duitse-soldaat.htm

    This is a Dutch newspaper article about the actions of some people to erect a statue for a German soldier, Karl-Heinz Rosch. In 1944, he saved the lives of two children who were living in the farm he was billetted in. When the farm came under fire, he made sure the kids were safe. When he turned back to get his rifle, he was killed by a grenade in the courtyard where the kids had been playing.

    A local man is raising funds to make a statue, others think Karl-Heinz should not be remembered by having his own statue. It's an exemple of how deeply embedded the feelings are against the former oppressor. Interestingly, in this case it's the youth who are opposing this initiative.


    Complex stuff, eh?



  3. I am just about to start working on replacing a rather nasty plywood cab floor in a Morris CDSW.

    I know that they had plywood in the war, but would they have used it


    Jules, they did use plywood during the war.

    I have personally seen two Morris´ with plywood floors and they were original!



  4. As for the variations, there are so many where do you want me to start.


    I´d like to compare a list of visual clues. Engine side panels, dashboard, etc. Maybe dead easy for those who have been there and done that, but not for those who have yet to study the vehicle in detail. Please share the knowledge you have gathered so far.




  5. 35657.jpg




    i've not seen this one in the flesh but it was sold on milweb about a year ago, these are pictures i found on the internet. if the contract number is correct, it is from the same batch as mine.


    Couple more of Z4174965 / UAS 702.



  6. thanks for the picture, another one for the collection. Where abouts in normandy was it?

    My pleasure. Let me know if you want a full size scan.


    The owner lives near Caen, would have to have a look if I still have his address. We primarily visited him because a friend wanted to have a look at his Morris-Commercial 8-cwt.



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