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Posts posted by berni

  1. sadly russ has had 'man flu' between christmas & new year & was seriously hacked off that he was sick for his 3 days off work. he wanted to get the screen back in, the brake system done & the canvas on.

    all he managed to do was take the old canvas off & place the new one over & that was only after he dragged himself down to the barn.

    He was hoping to have her ready for our road run on Sunday but that is not going to happen.

    I can see myself becoming a green widow for a condensed period of time as I know that once he starts on her he will work every waking hour to get her finished.

    I'll have to get more photo's when I can get to see her in the daylight but that wont be for at least another 2 weekends

    thanks for asking degsy



  2. just bumping this back to the top.

    we have had loads of interest in this road run & for those who have vehicles off the road at the moment you are welcome to join us in your car.



    on sunday 8th January we are having our annual new year road run.

    This year we are leaving greasy joes in Cirencester at 9am & driving to Glos docks where we shall pick up some more vehicles.

    we will leave glos docks at 10am & make our way through the Forest of Dean arriving at the Crime Through Time Museum at Littledean Jail.

    The owner is opening his Home ( he lives in the Jail) for us at a discounted rate from 5.50 - 2.00 per person. You can then spend as long as you like browsing the cells & their macabre displays.

    He has just got the Skull from the last ever person to be hung in a Gibbett in England in the late 1800s.

    Teas & snacks will be available for lunch for a donation.

    This will be an interesting visit & all are welcome.

    please ring 01452 303254 for more details & to hand your names over.


  3. i visited harperly a couple of weeks ago when malvern was on & thought it was fab.

    now they have got some british heritage money the restoration of the camp should be the best in the country. i look forward to going back to visit but doubt i'd take the truck, WE'd probably stay with relatives in either Esh winning or stanhope which aren't to far away from Harperly.



  4. i lived in a bedsit in 22 cromwell street back in the 80's, i was there at the time Heather West went missing. I also lived next door but 1 to Ann Marie West when it came out in all the Media about 25 cromwell st. It was a nightmare for a while with all the press trying to get stories. The worst was News of the World, nasty reporters :twisted: We also bought the car Ann Marie crashed after she found out Fred ( her dad) had hung himself. Nobody told her & she saw it on the news then went on a huge bender & ended up crashing the car. When we sold it we didn't tell the buyer who owned it before us as her boyfriend Phil was the last registered owner on the log book. At that time there was loads of paraphanalia going on sale & wierd people buying it so we didn't want to draw any more attention to Ann Marie. She suffered real bad for a long time.




  5. how many of you have done this show in Saddleworth.

    I would like to take the Jimmy next year but am not sure about the distance.

    I know where saddleworth is & it can take anything from 3-5 hours in a car ( i did the journey most weekends last year).

    The web site says the'jeep convoy' but are GMCs allowed.

    I am a complete novice when it comes to this show & any advice, pointers & a date for next year would be most welcome



  6. i almost spat my lunch out.

    I have cats & them photos just ring so true.

    Smartie ( the only male) has a fascination with Military Vehicles & as soon as Russ starts to work on one he sits in/on it & watches every move russ makes as if he's supervising. He doesn't bother so much with the cars but he loves the Green Machines.


    made me chuckle



  7. but wasn't she worth all the hassle.... :lol:

    MV's kind of get under your skin & 1 is never enough.

    I know cara bought the dodge during beltring week & that was only in July. bet you didn't think you would be up grading so soon.

    I'll look forward to the restoration photo's



  8. so much sight seeing & the cheapest coffee anywhere, 60c from street corner vendor ( about 35p)

    I would recomend it to anyone.

    i found a military surplus shop on the last day but it didn't open til 11am & I found it at 9am.

    he had HBT's in the window & some 7th armoured patches.

    Thats all the excuse i need to go back & investigate further.

    has anyone else on here been there & seen the shop.

    I have now got a really heavy cold & am feeling worse thancrap so i am hibernating for a couple of days

    glad to be back chaps


  9. we have our own space each year & also have our own portaloos. we have 3 booked for next year show & i think there is about 25 of us going. we share a pitch between Severnside & Gloucestershire MVT.

    we go from saturday - following sunday & others join us through the week.

    we always have an ace time

    some members don't like paying the £25.00 but i think its excellant value for money. you get the weeks camping & the chance to look round the stalls & chat & relax & for 4 people i reckon it's a bargain.



  10. hi guys,

    well I'm back from newyork & spending a bit of time catching up on all thats been going on in since last thursday.

    Blogs are new so I'll have to investigate them further.

    speak to you shortly


  11. it is always warmer outside than inside the hangers at Malvern.

    a tip for future reference

    tights - long johns-trousers

    have 8 hour microwave heat pads in pockets

    thin socks then thicker socks & then decent footwear.


    vest - t shirt-thin jumper-thicker jumper -jacket

    :wink: :lol:

    you may look like a michelin man but at least you will be a warm michelin man.

    the above can also be worn for stoneleigh.



  12. hi there cripp,

    us wurzel types is getting very outnumbered now,

    i do like jeeps but can't afford one sadly.

    don't let the others put you off, they may scoff the choccy chips & drink the liquid refreshments but they are a pretty spiffing bunch of chaps.



  13. i'm not sure what the reg was but when we rubbed down the tailgate the remains of the number were still there.

    we know it was in a batch of 444 made & that it was converted in 1944 to a full cab version.



  14. yeeaa haaa,

    50 mins to get there

    45 mins wait

    3 mins to get tax

    50 mins back home.


    and the new log book will have historic vehicle on it to stop us having the problem again.


    At least thats 1 more hurdle over with.

    back to the niceties now



  15. there was a small airfield not far from wotton under edge which is now part of a farm.it was called Windrush airfield and was used as a training base during the war. The control tower still exists today & there is a plaque on the tower in rememberence of trainee pilot Sgt Bruce Hancock (26) who rammed an attacking enemy plane with his own yellow painted traning Avro Anson on 18th August 1940. He sacrificed his own life & was buried in the local church with full honours .



  16. oh dear, oh dear.

    i have been to the post office this afternoon to get the tax for the jimmy so she can be towed home on the weekend.

    insurance - check

    mot - not needed - check

    mot exemption certificate - check

    log book - check


    so all is ok so far.

    got as far as getting the disc & machine is asking for £170.00. excuse me!

    it is a historic vehicle & should be free but it is registered as plg. HELP.

    after a very long phone call to DVLA listening to various recorded messages & picking my options I finally get to speak to 'rachael' & find even though it states on the notes on the log book date of manufacture 1944 I have to go to my nearest DVLA & get a form V10.

    so tomorrow i finish work at 12 noon, keeping to the speed limits pop up to worcester, then back to glos to get russ to sign forms ( insurance is in his name) then back up to worcester to get the tax ( free) & have the log book changed.


    The things we do for the hobby :wink:



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