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Posts posted by berni

  1. I agree with you there Graham,

    I have noticed a lot more larger trucks at the local events as opposed to the usual jeep & landrover. At nibley this year we only had a handful of smaller MVs & were hard pushed for space. With a couple of Scammels a foden 3 Thornycrofts,a couple of QLs, a Militant etc it was impressive to see.

    Even me & Russ took the smaller vehicle to events further away, we did cheat for Beltring & A framed the VW on the back of the Discovery.

    Fuel & comfort do play a very large part in how far we drive our WW11 truck & this year we stuck to taking her to local instead of national.



  2. i suppose I'm still classed as young still but I meant it as in there are a lot more of the older generation farmers etc who won't let the vehicles stagnating in barns be sold. I know of 2 jeeps up the road from me that are getting worse year by year & the son can't wait to sell them but the old boy wont hear of it. It will get to the point before too long where there isn't going to be anything left to restore. the son can see the logic in selling them to an enthusiast(regardless of age) who can bring them back to their former glory. Further up the road in another village is a QL that could have been restored a few years ago but the tree now growing through the middle of it has seen to it that it will be impossible to move her let alone put her back on the road. This again is owned by an old farmer who wouldn't sell.

    A son/daughter in this hobby wouldn't sell an inherited vehicle but on the other hand we wouldn't have let the vehicles corode into non existence in the first place.

    That is what I meant when I said 'It is only when the younger generation are left them & want them out of the way that they come on the market' I wasn't implying all of the younger generation didn't care.

    sometimes they haven't got the time & realise that the vehicle would be better off with someone who could love & cherish it as much as they would like to.

    hope that makes sense



  3. being the responsible one i'll delegate that to one of you :D

    so who is a whizz with a can opener & a microwave. Failing that the yellow pages is handy for a takeaway. I'll trust you to use the phone without supervision as its after 6 o clock.



  4. i get blamed for most things that go wrong so I don't mind on this occasion either.

    BUT if you jump off the sofa doing a sideways karate kick & put your foot through the tv then i'm afraid I'm doing a runner & you'll be left to face the music on your own. :lol:



  5. i popped along but didn't get there till about 11 & then spent the next 2 hours chatting.

    I thought it was how a sale should be, it was a booty for MV owners & only a quid to get in & 5.oo to sell. realistic prices. there was a few stalls there & everyone has to start somewhere. Next year may be a little bigger.

    when malvern first started there wasn't enough stalls to fill 2 halls & now they use them all & made the pitches 2 ft smaller each to get more in.



  6. being an errational female I used to get rather emotional when my series 3 passed his MOT I'd give him a trip through the car wash on the way home as a treat & a little pat on the dash board as if to say well done mate,you done it again. :?

    I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who does this :!: :!:



  7. i'm afraid the REOs whistle does it for me. :oops:

    not very adventurous I know but then I would like a

    Chally 2

    half track




    GMC ( sorry guys but its near the bottom)

    series 3 lanny ( for old times sake)


    what did you say the bank balance was again :?:



  8. sorry but it's a bit to far for us to come up as it would only be for the sunday. I would like to do this event so any photo's you can post after the weekend would be great.

    we can't make all weekend as it is our works global volunteer day on sat 15th & seeing as i have organised it all I have to be there with my clip board supervising everyone. this year we are painting 4 rooms in the spring centre which is a preschool for kids with difficulties of differing abilities. when I went for a recce i nearly fell asleep in the light sensory room :oops: when they told me to try it out.

    so sorry i would love to be there but not this time :?



  9. that is outrageous.

    We only ever take our vehicles to an MOT station who do nothing else but mots & its up to you to take the vehicle else where to get anything sorted.

    It makes no difference to them whether it passes or fails & they don't care who does the work. At least that way you are not beholden to a particular place to do the work.

    we always re mot 2 weeks before the old one runs out aswell to give us a bit of leeway.

    that is a very un sportsmanlike practice though.



  10. I have to say it many times over to make myself believe it, other wise i would have to admit to being a complete bungling liability :shock:

    Talking of overdue. A replica gun Russ ordered in febuary has just turned up today... 9 months late :?

    There may be hope for your GMC parts yet Matt



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