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Posts posted by berni

  1. the most comfortable & reasonably priced ATS uniform is the denim coveralls. they are fairly widly available & all you need are the coveralls - tan shirt - tie -leather jerkin - brown shoes or boots & I wear a GS cap(the same as the mans) as opposed to the ATS cap. They also wore a GS beret after 1944.

    i will try & get some photos up together.

    You don't have to go down the more expensive BD route or the best dress ( skirt & jacket)

    I got my coveralls for £35.00

    leather jerkin £10.00

    Tie £2.00

    shirt £4.00

    boots £25.00 ( from stead & simpson)

    GS cap £20.00

    you can pick it all up from malvern / stonleigh as i did a couple of years ago.

    as I said I'll get some photos up together & pop them on here.



  2. bigredone wrote:

    Ok Im going to open myself up to a bashing here ....Poole! too far for me mate in the Jeep, it dosent like going out of Hampshire much. The furthest I have been is to Dallas Autos and back ......Ok let the bashing begin!



    jack wrote





    :shock: :shock: :shock:



  3. I'm visiting relatives in Esh winning & Stanhope so thought I'd throw in a visit to Harperly on the Saturday as well while up that neck of the woods. The German markets start that weekend at Harperly & seeing as I was born over there I fancied a bratty mit frites und mayo for lunch.

    It's a bit cold & desolate up on the tops which is a shock for a southern softy like me so I shall be the one walking round with 3 hats & scarves, 2 pairs of gloves , thermal socks & padded boots with a jacket & a long winter coat with a hood for good measure :lol:

    We will be trying to go up about once a year from now on but will maybe make the next visit in the summer.

    The military show at Harperly is a bit far to drive in the bedford only going 30-35 mph maximum, but I'd like to go up in a car to have a look.

    Nice part of the country.



  4. i've double booked myself for the malvern sale which is a bit of a pain as malvern is only a few miles up the road from me in Glos where as i'm off to Durham instead, which is just a bit further.

    I do like both shows but they are both just so much colder inside the halls than outside. :D this will make so much sense to those who go but its true.

    maybe you could have a meet at both .



  5. tip for today.


    stoneleigh is at the end of January & even though you don't get discount for pre booking your tickets it does mean you don't have to queue ( normally in the wind & the rain ). details are on the web site for those who are interested.

    Glos guys & gals usually meet up around 11 am for tea so how about a HMVF meeting about 1pm ish for a tea & chat.



  6. you've stayed there as well then karoshi, we were just between the main shower block & the tennis courts.

    the green mass of water at he bottom of the picture is actually the fish pond & not the pool :D



  7. I saw it on tele the other night that pin curls are back in fashion.

    i already do these on my oldest daughter( almost 17) as she likes her hair curly for school but doesn't want the tight curl a perm would give her.

    She has really long hair but the curls are so easy & it only takes about 20 mins a night .put in a bit of mouse & take small sections ( about the same as you would for tongs / straightners) wind it round your finger & hold in place with a hair grip. Do this all over the head & sleep on it till morning.

    When you take them out you have fantastic big bouncy curls that stay in all day.

    I'll take some photos later & put them up so you can have a go yourselves.

    ta Berni

  8. We wanted to see as much as possible & opted to stay central.

    we camped in a lovely site just outside Bayeux called chateaux de martragny. fairly cheap, spotless showers/ loos etc. large pitches, small swimming pool, bar & small shop, thay also speak good english for those of us who only know please & thankyou in french.

    To get the most out of our stay we followed the official guide book trail which was free in most shops. All the routes are colour co ordinated & have their own road signs which are also coloured. It was full price for the 1st museum / exhibit but if you ask for a passport thingy they staple the reciept into it & at every other museum/ exhibit from the book you visit you get a good discount. this is ideal if there are a few of you going. It takes into account Gold /Juno /sword / Pegasus Bridge / St Mere Aglise / Merville / Point du Hoc / all the American beaches & many many more. People who have been may have seen the Purple / brown signs with what looked like a flying bird on them.

    We then done a different area each day & could read about each place in the book & decide where we wanted to go.

    there are so many places to visit & you can spend so long at each one that it would take more than 1 trip.

    The 360 degree cinema is so weird. because you stand up to watch the film I wondered why there were barriers in the middle but after a few minutes you realise it's to stop you falling over.

    I am planning on going back next year but am undecided when to go. It was good being there for the 60th but there were quite a few restrictions & i think we missed out on some things because of them. So I'm debating whether to go at Easter when things will be less of a problem.

    For your first time though the anniversary week is fantastic.

    I want to take more time over certain things though this time. Many car parks are not that big & we did struggle to park the Bedford sometimes

    You will not regret it as a holiday.

    What was strange though was seeing families on the beaches having a normal sun holiday, kids building sand castles etc. It didn't seem to fit with the reason we were there!



  9. hello jacks wife,

    sorry it's taken so long to welcome you but i have been doing extra early starts at work :shock: & have been to tired this past week to do much. well actually i've been sneaking a couple of hours sleep before the kids come home fom school. :wink:

    Back to normal this week though so I've got some catching up to do.

    if the chaps are pulling up ammo boxes to sit on & chat then I guess we'll have to have a nice fly boys knee to pull up :lol:



  10. ow do G7 , I'm from Gloucestershire & not from Hampshire. I feel in the minority but welcome you aboard all the same.

    Have you got an MV, what is it? or are you looking for one?

    pictures would be good



  11. the hat is to cover the bandage,

    if you want to do it properly you need to spend a few months collecting hair out of your hair brush . ( that way it is your own hair in your own colour so people can't see it).

    when you have got loads you roll it into a sausage & then fold your own hair over it & pin in place.

    I'm lucky that i can cheat especially when I wear my ATS uniform as the cap covers the bandage at the front.



  12. this is the quickest & easiest way of doing a roll in your hair but only if you are wearing a hat

    firstly tie a bandage in a loop & place on top of head like a halo



    second , start stuffing hair behind the bandage




    give it a tidy up & put hat/cap on either uniform or civilian.




    simple, give it a go, you can do it in less than 60 seconds.




    ps you do need long hair for this one.

  13. all we need now are more of the female branch of the human race so we can have civilised converstaions about uniforms & civilian clothes.

    we can even run similar posts to the blokes.


    what colour shall I paint my nails = what colour shall I paint my jerry can?


    whats the best way to re-enforce my undercarraige = shall i shutz the undercarraige


    does this bag go with this outfit = does this webbing go with my Jeep.


    maybe we are not so different after all :lol: :lol:


  14. hello oddball,

    I am above petty cheap shots & will not hold it against you so i can bring it back up at any given moment from here to eternity when ever you are least expecting it:wink: :lol:



    a few ideas for you to think about, ladies section, green girlies, corsage & corsettes & female fancies

    can't think of anything else at the moment but will let you know if anything else comes to mind.



  15. you'll be surprised at what you can cook on an esbit cooker :wink:

    I thought every MV had to have a womans touch & don't all jeeps go bbrrmm bbrrmm :lol:

    go on jack let us have a girlie bit, we can even have a stocking section just so all you men can join in,you need to shave your legs though as the silk gets stuck on the hairs :shock:


  16. at our last meeting i gave everyone the e mail address for the forum but no one has been able to get in.

    i had the link e mailed to me from jack direct so is there as easy way on to the site so i can share the info with the other members in the area please.

    Any help would be greatly recieved



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