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Posts posted by berni

  1. quote from the 'road to victory'


    When the need for more trucks and drivers became critical a large number of trucks and drivers came from idled U.S. Infantry divisions awaiting transfer to the front. Those units included the 26th, 95th. 104th, 94th, 84th and the 102nd. Newly arrived combat divisions were held in reserve for several weeks in rear areas because the lack of supplies made it impossible to equip and provision them adequately at the front. All in all, the U.S. Army created some sixty-one provisional truck companies whose service was invaluable.


    so you can badge up as any of the above infantry divisions & still have the truck insignia for the red ball. That way you can be correct for many occasions & be the correct skin tone.

    get yourself a copy of the 'Road to victory but for a taster here is a link.




    The Red Ball was a crucial part of the war & is often overlooked as it is not one of the most glamorous units to portray.



  2. this was a fantastic trip.

    we forgot our digi camera so you'll have to wait for the normal photo's to come back & for me to scan them.

    we got back late last night as we stayed a couple of extra days & also managed to get a couple of hours at the Dunkirk bunkers.

    There are still so many trips to do & sights to see & memorials to visit that i think my holidays are planned for the next 5 years.

    i will do a full report with the photo's and for those who couldn't make it i hope i do it justice.



  3. hi Rich,

    I too apologise for the late welcome but I have just got back from the Ardennes. We went for the BMVT road run weekend. I'll post more about that when I'm more awake.

    we own a 1940 bedford MW so is an early war British Vehicle which is a great piece of history to own.

    enjoy the site & i'll catch up when I've had some sleep.



  4. does anyone know what this is.

    It is slightly smaller than the GS trailer with less metal used in the make up.

    the springs are under the body as opposed to outside as well.

    I've heard it could possibly be airbourne but not having any reference pictures i can't tell.

    any reply appreciated








  5. We've waited a couple of months for people to come & collect stuff but will always take a non refundable deposit.

    The best was a chap who bought an old 12 x 12 tent, we carted it round to a couple of shows where he had arranged for it to be collected only to find he hadn't actually asked his mate but thought as he was there he could pick it up for him, then he'd phone to say someone was coming down the next day so we'd drag this thing back out the shed through the house & leave it under the truck. it would still be there when we got home, so it was dragged back through the house & back up the garden into the shed. this went on for a while then things went quiet ( he was poorly which couldn't be helped). Almost 2 years later it finally got collected by a young chap who got lost & ended up in the next village having a cup of tea while a chap went on multimap to get directions for him.(very trusting in this area)

    sorry if someone recognises this story but it was legendary at the time.


    I always think something is going to be far too expensive if it has POA so i never bother to ring.

    I don't think many of us go into this to be timewasters but everyone is after something different & everyones idea of restorable is different. A1 condition is fine but A1 for what, the show room or the field. we all look with our own particular 'eye' & you may turn your nose up at something but the next person could be doing cartwheels as it is just what he is looking for. Nothing is standard iin this hobby & all possibilities have to be explored.



  6. hi graham,

    yes it is petes, i had a call the other night for a form so should be a good tracked turnout.

    I knew you'd be the one to ask for directions in for the larger vehicle, cheers

    for that Graham.


    hi dougy i got your pm & a form will be posted shortly.



  7. hi dougy ,

    i haven't got the pm sorry,

    David has already booked the sabre in & there is also a Samson wanting to book in aswell.

    i think Terry is bringing the Smaller RAF Thorneycroft instead of the thorny/big ben combination this year.

    can you please try & re send your details as I think I may have experienced technical difficulties as my PMs out have not reached their destination.

    hear from you soon


  8. i was there honest guv,

    arrived around 8am & left 5ish.

    We didn't get as much as we planned but it wasn't for the lack of looking.

    we needed to get Russ all the insigna for QM/TC red ball express to go on his class A's. sadley we will have to keep looking. there isn't much call for it apparently.

    Army thermals were next on the list for Belgium in 2 weeks time & I didn't see any of those around. AVIS were going to be my first port of call but they were missing.

    we did pick up a master cylinder for the GMC, a couple of wiper motors, a windscreen rubber seal & a tail pipe for the exhaust.

    Also got Russ some boots,m43 jacket,HBT cap,jeep cap, both caps for me , a pair of gaiters & a spare pair of HBT trousers so we are now kitted out for Belgium.

    I did see Dotty Dodge ( rowen) & his dad, he saw my shoes, good luck with the water pump. I'll Pm you all the show details I've got so far but it won't be till wednesday as I have to finish my Windscreen report for Tuesday.



  9. we had a sabre in the line up last year but the area was overflowing so you may have missed it.

    Militant graham is a regular attendee with his Militant & trailer, we also get a couple of scammels & trailers in as well, oh & also the Thorneycroft/Big Ben. I'm not sure which way up the hill they come but i'm sure if you pm militant graham he can let you know.

    send me a Pm with your details & I'll get an entry form to you.

    track vehicles are always nice to see at shows so you'd be more than welcome to join us.



  10. hi rob,

    i think many of us started out with model kits & upgraded to the real thing as age & pocket money allowed.

    i'm sure you'll find some useful info & get good pointers on which direction to go .

    welcome aboard


  11. welcome jack,

    I will be in Perth for the last few days of April & up till the 6th may staying in Swanbourne.

    Could you let me know where the Army museum is so I can add it to my list of places to visit.

    Enjoy the site & hope to hear from you soon


  12. sorry to hear that paul,

    its no fun, happened to me & russ a couple of years ago now. Blessing in disguise in the end as he is much happier in this job same wage less hours & weekends off.

    for every door that closes another opens & every cloud has a silver lining .

    chin up, think positive & don't let life get you down.


  13. has there been a meeting time & place arranged yet for a tea/ coffee break or are we just going to mingle & see who we spot with a badge on.

    if you are anything like me then you'll be walking round with your head angled at floor & tressle table height so will miss the badges. with this in mind I'll be wearing my pink shoes



    please feel free to stop them & say hi.



  14. it depends on how high you want the edges of the net to be off the floor. we used to aim for 5ft.

    have the cord about 6 ft & tie 1 end to the net & the other to a ground peg, lift the edges up first with the poles & then do the middle one. the outside ones will then need a slight adjustment.

    cam net has a habit of growing & stretching as the wind goes through it so every now & then twist it round the ground pegs to keep it taut.

    to make it a more private living space & harder to see what is there it is better off being pegged straight to the floor with a small opening to get in & out of.



  15. i have been witness to a chap down at horndean collecting Jeep details.

    Most owners obliged once they realised he wasn't up to no good. If you advertise what you are planning on doing ie on this site, in windscreen & in the main military magazines then owners will get to hear about you & will not be surprised if you approach them at an event.

    Many of us have been questioned by members of the public at shows & I have to admit to getting a little defensive when I'm not sure what the motive is.

    We had an American approach us at Horndean in the anniversary show in 2004 & he asked if he could have details & photo's for his magazine back in the states,I have to admit to being vein enough about my vehicles to want to show them off. I expect most owners have been asked for details etc.

    You may get lucky & once people know what you are doing they may start sending you the photo's & details etc you need without you even asking.

    theres nowt as queer as folk they say & you will come up against those who will get funny but on the whole MV owners will be friendly & more than happy to help.

    I'll gladly forward my GMC details, I'm sure he won't mind :D



  16. we always pegged ours down first & then raised the net up on the poles.

    what kind of display are you doing, is it vehicles & tents underneath, ww11 or modern.

    for modern

    If we wanted to hide the tents but show off the vehicle it was easier to peg the net directly to the ground. make a tunnel by bending the lightweight poles & insterting them into pegs with cam pole supports attached have 2 about 8 feet apart & enough poles to make an arch going from 1 to the other.( thread through the net before attaching to the second ground peg. , it takes 2 people but looks real smart with the vehicle 1/2 in 1/2 out the tunnel & the tentage hiden at the back. making a dome shape.

    the other way was to peg the net down on the corners with 6 ft long paracord creating resistance when you push the poles up. so the whole net is suspended, this can be done single handed.

    hope this helps


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