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Posts posted by berni

  1. Hello Dottys dad,

    I met you at Kemble steam, We had the Bedford & beetle & were just over the road way from you. You probably remember the 2 big :shock: blokes ( roy & trev ) who were next to us.

    We are having an end of season meet at the plough in Crudwell on 23/24/25th september & you are more than welcome to come along for the weekend.

    PM me if you are interested as space is limited.

    Hope to see you there


  2. hello big al,

    I presume from you only living in Kiddy that we may have been at a few shows at the same time.

    Good luck in the saving for an MV. The 1 thing I can assure you of is 1 will never be enough :lol:



  3. If you are replacing nuts/bolts with new ones then the easiest way is to whip off the old ones with a grinder.

    Poor Russ had to replace every nut/bolt on the bed of the Bedford & after trying various methods they were too rusted in so only option was to cut tops off the bolts.

    Never used 1 of those things though



  4. I found a live round stuck behind a piece of weld on the inner wing on my series 3 when I was restoring it. :shock:

    i presume it was a relic from Northern Ireland where she served untill her release from the forces & I was the first owner so I bought her warts & all.



  5. I was born into the Army & spent my childhood playing on camp so it seemed a natural progression.

    We bought a landrover for use as a car & it turned out to be a series 111 still with all the electric plugs & sockets for the radios, we found the army plate & never looked back really.



  6. Many MV owners who re enact are also part of a re enactment group with a specific unit/ regiment & vice versa but there aren't many shows where they overlap.

    Im not sure if an MV owner who dressed to match his vehicle can be classed as a re enactor as re enactors put a lot of effort & research into their displays & roles with in a group.

    However a static display using the vehicle as a prop with other equipment to portray a certain scene can be classed as a living history diorama.

    To re enact is to re do.

    ie if a few GMC & jeep owners had a convoy going from an inland town to a coastal point involved in the ambarkation for D Day than they could call it D Day -3 for instance & it would be a re enactment of a certain event as many American service men were transported to the the coast in preparation for D Day.

    But if the convoy consisted of a few GMCs, a jeep or two, a landrover,a bedford RL, a REO & a schwimwagen etc then regardless of how they are dressed it could not be classed as re enactment or living history.

    There are many re enactment groups of all nationalities for those who would like to take the hobby to a different level & if they have a vehicle & could commit themselves then I am sure they will be made to feel most welcome.

    I know of a few MV owners who see re enactors as the poor relations this just isn't so. Re enactors have probably taken more time & money to get themselves kitted up to the correct standard than many owners have spent on vehicles.

    ON the other hand there are also predudices coming from re enactors about MV owners who spend the time & money on a vehicle & then drive it around wearing flecktarn trousers & a string vest.

    We are on both sides of the coin like I said before & have had a few winges from both sides, when MV owners think we are just re enactors & when re enactors think we are just MV owners. Once you start to get recognised everything is fine & also once others know you are not just a flash in the pan . Respect has to be earnt from both sides & it takes a bit of effort on your part to earn that respect. That I'm afraid is human nature :roll:

    I'll come down off my soap box now :lol:


    for listening


  7. I rang DVLA and asked them what the requirements were for having an MOT exempt vehicle. They sent me a wad of booklets & forms etc which are fairly easy to understand .

    If you have a vehicle MOTd once then it has to be done everyyear there after, whereas if it has never been MOTd then don't start unless you want trouble further down the line..

    I just get a form from the post office & hand it over when I get the tax, i'll look to see what it is for tomorrow.

    There are silly things like as long as it is before 1960 & you are not going to tow a trailer etc & the size & weight.

    Ring DVLa & they are really helpful.



  8. another way to look at it is.

    In the re-enacting world the re-enactor dressed up is the display piece and not his mode of car, where as in the MV world the vehicle is the display piece not the driver. Many drivers drive the MV to a show & then walk off & do & look at other things so no one knows that you've got a vehicle anyway( well i go & look at other stuff).

    Many of the MV shows are country fayres & steam rallies & walking round the 'junk in boxes' stalls fully kitted up in Airbourne/Bd kit is completly wasted anyway. The classic car owners look down on you, the tractor drivers ignore you & the Bus owners look at you with disdain. ( sorry if this includes you it is a generalisation not a pop at individuals)

    They are 2 quite similar hobbies but in some cases they are worlds apart, it is a shame but as new younger blood comes into both hobbies I think some of the fences are having gates put in them.

    More re-enactors are getting vehicles & more vehicle owners are getting the kit, in a lot of cases the divide is not too great but there are some of the original die hards on both sides & unfortunatley we have to hope that their predudice doesn't get passed down

    Also the German ban at events hasn't gone down very well with re-enactors as can be seen on their forum.

    If you type in MVT on the ww11 forum then you will see a thread from me (i post as mver) about the MVT. I can't remember a lot of the replies but it was a good debate.

    Me & Russ bat for both sides of the coin so to say & do Brit & German & have so far not come across anything unsavoury.

    The divide is getting smaller though .



  9. you mean captain birds eye, :lol:

    he is the only one I know of to have polecats for sale. Pretty impressive bits of kit.

    Yes I know Graham, He is an absolute loony. Have you heard about the first time he did the London to Brighton run in his pinky. He got lost & ended up driving through some unsavoury parts of inner London with the Pinky fully kitted up with GPMGs & the rest of the works. :shock:

    I have had a couple of Slll of him in the past & they turned out to be a pretty good buy.



  10. Hello Graham,

    NIbley was a huge thing for me as I don't like public speaking so to go & do the commentary not just for the planned 1 day but for 2 days & then have to cope with the Landrover section as well helped me banish some demons.

    It was great fun & everyone was so helpful.

    Mind you we are putting some changes in place next year.

    Only 80 vehicles will be booked in & all you larger types(militants & scammells) will have a large area roped off on the end of the row so you can move about a bit better.

    This site will be ideal to keep you up to date on stuff we have planned.



  11. hello paul,

    I bet you are 1 of these MV types who say '! of these would be just perfect for this & if i get 1 then I'll sell *****' when in reality you have no intention of selling off any of your babies , you just want more :lol: :lol:


    I have a husband exactly the same :wink:


    Welcome & have fun



  12. hello graham,

    with someone coming up on here with a name like militantgraham there is only 1 person I know who fits the bill.

    Hows it going.

    It was a very impressive line up at kemble Steam & if rumours are to be believed then you are all coming back again next year. mandy has managed to secure us all that part of the site so we can spread out a bit more.

    Welcome aboard & hope to catch up soon.

    Are you going to Tredegar house?


  13. cheers guys :) ,

    the water bucket is a very important part of the vehicle & we can't travel far without it now as its post war purpose is to keep the beers cold.

    After you've been in 1 of these for a few hours you know why they had the knickname pneumonia wagon. :? but we love her to bits



  14. we painted our Bedford in an airdry matt enamel which was easy for home painting as it dries fairly quick.

    Any decent paint supplier should be able to mix it up in whatever shade you require.

    it is not super shiny as it is a matt but it does age nicely



    if you do want a shine for a particular event a bit of babyoil or wd40 ( and i mean a bit) rubbed in with a lint free cloth works pretty ace


    this was painted about 3/4 years ago.

    We have also found that the small rollers from wilkinson 2 for about £2.00 are excellant for a smooth paint job. the rollers are only about 4' long & are more of a solid sponge than a soft sponge.



  15. you do get used to cooking breakfast in strange places but sadly you also get used to eating it in places that are even stranger. :D

    The weekend sounded really good, i like it down at Bovvy anyway, did any of you go down last year to see the Tiger make its first public entrance. It was awesome.

    good pictures Jack



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