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Posts posted by Marmite!!

  1. Ok thanks nice suggestion are these units 24v, and I assume if other people had the same unit they can listen in to your conversations.


    What about a clansmen or something similar?? keeping in with the military theme



    Go for Clansman.. fairly cheap, plenty of it about, easy to Install & you don't need to install any radios for the intercoms to work, if you want radios then you would have to go for your licence... I'll dig out a copy of the manual for you that shows what all the various boxes do.. I'll bring it to Dover with me..


    To give you some idea of prices look here http://www.armyradio.com/arsc/customer/home.php?cat=83 but most of it can be picked up on ebay..

  2. Great photo's!


    Just out of interest, were the lost hand's down to genuine accident's, or due to some moron holding a powerfull banger to prove how hard they were?



    Both, during our training we were shown much more graphic photos than these caused either by ignorance, stupidity or malfunction.. plus the video of the guy who nearly killed/injured the film crew..He pulled the pin out of a grenade with his teeth then stood there holding it while the spoon flew off.. it just so happens this video is now on Youtube.. enjoy :evil:




    or you just have this Prick..



  3. I would like to thank all the do-gooders on here that have warned us that these exploding thing's are dangerous, Cos the rest of us are obviously too bloody stupid to realise that >:(

    You're not health and safety/state the bleedin obvious officers are you? :police:





    (for now)



    Just like all the stupid b******ds who thought they knew it all & know have only serious injuries if they are lucky.. believe it or not there is people out there that need pointing out the obvious..




    how many people know the difference between a Quickmatch & a Saftey Fuse? the guy in the first link didn't, he was leaning over a 5" mortar when he lit the "Quickmatch" the long paper fuse that's instantaneous, the lifting charge lifts the mortar to 500' but this mortar went of in his face..




    The others are what happen when you hold fireworks/pyros..







  4. We prefer a slightly bigger bang, this is me firing the Bofors at a dedication, if look at the video you will see us looking to the rear of the Bofors after the first shot, this is because about 5pounds of metal just went flying through the air, that was the top & bottom breach covers we just blew off.. this was the first time we had fired this gun & it turns out that someone had tried before with a fair amount black powder which had dried in the breach, if you look at the still frame you will see what I mean considering the charge was only six inches from the muzzle.. wasn't a very good start to the minute silence with metal clanging across the roof..


    Was asked to fire it again a couple of weeks ago for a minute silence, the radios weren't working so we had someone to give a hand signal which was when the vicar bowed his head to pray, well the vicar bowed his head, the signal was given & we fired.. it turned out he wasn't praying he had just bowed his head the read the next verse of the prayer.. scared the shift out of the poor old Vic as he wasn't expecting it then..


    BTW that Bofors is off the Ark Royal... put on the Forts roof with a Chinook..


    width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/bofors1.jpg[/img]


    width=320 height=240http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/th_boforsmov2.jpg[/img]

  5. That'll be the photograhers breath picked up by the flash. when taking pics underground, usually in the dark i tend to hold my breath as it's ruined a few decent pics, not usually as common when you do a longer exposure. :roll:


    Also something sinister about the 1st pic, when you zoom in, it looks like the girl on the left has no eyes!! :-o



    May of been wet but it wasn't cold..

  6. Oh..and the Saracen had just been moved, see wet patch on tyre, so could be exhaust smoke lingering......always a logical explanation ;-)



    I nearly fell of my chair laughing then... that Stuart's (Saracentumps) Saracen we are talking about.. it would of moved if we had a crank handle :evil: sorry Stuart :-)

  7. Lee,


    Come on... :-D You can clearly see John has a smoke on the go, and with all the puffing trying to tighten those wheel nuts to the required torque of 280 lbs/ft with a small wheel brace, I'm not surprised there is a haze :whistle:





    He's a big lad & only needs a little wheel brace..

  8. Ok how about this one of JT taken at Coalhose Fort one night.. & before you say it, no-one was smoking... as you can see the first one was perfect as was the last one..except the glowing eyes.. always thought there was something strange about my Son :evil:



    width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/48731c19.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/09ca6de9.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/2b22ff17.jpg[/img]

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