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Posts posted by cripp

  1. Went along to this on Saturday. I thought the re enactment was great. Don't usually watch these but this was on such a big scale with plenty of vehicle movements and using the walls on the site, not to mention the planes. Bit dissapointed when I took my dad on Monday and they'd moved the barriers in about 40'. I wanted to see the Huey and wasn't dissapointed by that either. Was a t a friends 40's house display right behind the helipad and got to smell the engine and experience the down draught from the rotors. :-o

    couple of video clips here.

    Take Off





    A few Picture in the Gallery


  2. Yes they are modern. They do modern stuff in the old style. Apparantly they're going to be on gmtv Friday morning at 9. I might actually turn my TV on for that.

  3. A vehicle entry gets you 2 adult and 2 child passes. The price of £25 is if you booked in advance by 1st July. Late entry price is £50. Extra person passes are £30 adult, £20 child. If you've already paid for a camping ticket it might be worth ringing to see what they can do.

  4. I've got hold of a generator that the owner says is war time vintage. Can anyone here identify it and give me some advice on how to fix it up?




    There are a few markings on it.






    This appears to be the output point




    Any advice or tips appreciated. Thanks

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