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paul connor

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Everything posted by paul connor

  1. Its the same config fv1612 mk1 (or 2,depending how you look at it) as mine was.. but the prefix MS I can not place? other than the barracade remover looking "new" I can see nothing odd? enlighten us Uncle Cliv:)
  2. Freezing rain? is that hail ? hehehe
  3. Humber Fv1600 907.18474 kilograms Utiliy
  4. I would like to add that the "1 tonne" part is the payload of the vehicle, not the actual gross weight..
  5. So much for a casual green lane, I thought all the snow had gone! lucky I had a thermos with hot soup! I needed it after digging the TUM out of the deep drift.. I could see it coming really, should know better ,ha
  6. Problems we have are the corners and hills on estates and areas the gritter dont go..
  7. the snow man we made in the yard... Nice Brighton and Hove bus behind..well I say nice, as enthused as I get about a bus one stuck Yes, we get the whole "i'm late for work because of you lot! anything for a day off" when we cant take buses on the road as the snow and ice casue them to drift and they cant go up hills! or the " I have to walk to town now" well yes, could be a good idea.. dont be so lazy all your life.. People do not think about the danger a 14 tonne bus can create! When driving in today in the 110, I was in low ratio taking it steady in the blizzard at 5am, still had a people carrier right up my back end! even undertook me !!! some people...
  8. good work! could you not get on the top? or was it a case of your kayak etc?
  9. Did you not visit the Deep Level shelter at Citadel Battery?
  10. two room area constructed pillbox, with a door,lock and exterior cam paint evident. Also states " Danger" on the door.. after picking these up and wondering where i reconise them from.. I realised and put them down! Electric blasting caps.. not sure if WW2 Era? anyone? fatastic to see the wood in great condition on the bren bench last pillbox of the day, rather special this one.. has its original trenches around it, as well as some great period Graffiti hope thats of interest to you all, any questions please ask:) more to come soon ..
  11. Out again, visiting a few site for the first time in many a year..and logging info and the vast amout of unclassified structure types in the area.. As well as some very rare finds and items... Area camo blends in nice with the country house wall,not a pillbox as such but a loop holed wall.. in Private grounds, but I do like the interior touches..just hope there was nothing pencilled on the walls by soldiers:( Nice example of Anti Tank defences "dragons teeth" anti tank blocks.. and very good condition and all still in situe.. the Coffin road block ones cant be seen.. shame or would be nice and complete area.. covered by a pillbox as well. loop holed wall, most people would not even notice it! ha, until it was too late one room, underground pillbox, in poor condition, roof is seperated from the walls and the walls are not holding up well to the test of time.. one loop hole.. nice example of a area constructed pillbox
  12. I did think so much, I shall have to resolve with creativity
  13. Can you buy a military reg? IE 11 AA 11 AA 11 AA style? or are they all reserved for military? As I would like to change the plate for a cherished on on the TUM 110. otherwise I was looking at F1 0O PC would do a similar job... any ideas?
  14. I usually round it off, smash my knuckles onto something removing the skin.. and hope my tears make the offending bolt/nut work loose
  15. the vacinity is Heathfield, sussex. what is MLU forum? not familiar with it.. but yet post away, glad my pictures have helped
  16. I came across most areas like I normally do, research and much field work and wandering into areas I do not know. The Canadians concrete writing would link to the area having 5000 canadians posted at that time in the area, So I would assume they had a hand in making it.. Hope that helps:)
  17. Oh! before I get "its only water" "big girls blouse" etc.. now thats water;) I'm the camera man in the second
  18. I have been trying to access this place for over 6 months! so with water issues.. I shall beat it. Waders are on order! or maybe I should get a boat? I think its very much untouched since its demob in the 40's... watch this space as I shall return soon.. I know this is not recorded anywhere else.. It was never disclosed or admittance of its construction confirmed even in the regional defence archives:) These pictures are taken over two visits, both too wet to enter as the water would be over chest high.. and im not that keen! This 2 story pillbox is essentially a 2 story round type 25 on a larger scale, with an exterior looking more like a martello tower.. on two levels with unique machine gun mounts. flooded.. and interior has lost all original wood fixings from te fire. Evidence of a door is still in place.. Access to the top floor requires a ladder and the bottom floor is flooded to welly hight.. nice example of 1940's Pillbox
  19. I hope your Germany army boots kept the water out well
  20. The hooks I would say are the reinforce steel mesh inside the concrete from construction. Is this the same box from the first set of pictures>?
  21. They didnt on the 200tdi? is on the outside? Humber Pigs- Why did they make the fuel pump primer handle 3ft down inside the engine!
  22. We should do a location and picture only thread.. just post a picture and a location.. just an album.. i think would be hard to have a thread.. maybe a section on WW2 pillboxes ?
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