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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. how on earth would you test an fv 432 on a rolling road for brake performance, modern standards cannot apply, how would you test a stalwart on a rolling road, ie you cant...some tests are sensible some not...the issue is we need a clear picture on where we stand with them,...what we dont need is VOSA telling us this vehicle needs testing to this standard, ie commercial spec trucks to be road worthy. I have a similar answer from them...i think we all have to just keep making it clear that we as histroic vehicle owneres, ex military do need some consideration, right now we have nothing and have to try and fit in with the modern ruels as is...it isnt easy nor sensible...i hope the team looking at this think so too...

  2. Yes, the examiner remains in the cab during the brake test part of the HGV licence test. They only get out to observe the reverse test.


    My test examiner took great delight in explaining why he personnally checked if the cab was fastenend in position, he was in a cab when they did the 20mph test (not 30) and it was not and the cab tilted forward with them in it...scary, the driver was in hospital apparently.

  3. I have written my letter of interest and I have had two replies so far. They are listening. Whether they are taking any of use seriously and whther the HMVF has any clout it has to be useful.


    My personal stance is that it is ludicrous to test our old trucks tanks and vehicles to modern standards when they are 30 40 or more years old.


    If VOSA could introduce a basic roadworthiness test for all vehicles then we could have all of our vehcicles tested at little cost and without fear of them failing becuase brake two on the left side is 60% of brake two on the left hand side, for a vehicle that is ten tons and does little more than 30 mph does it really matter...if they ar not carrying commercial loads they need at worst a histroic vehicle test, or no test at all.


    We must I agree however make sure our vehicles are in good condition...even if they are only toys..


    my machines all do less than 200 miles a year...they are well maintained, eh Barry...and I fix them if they break...what else can you ask for...

  4. yes steel suspension. Wont take 44 tons with the trailer then only 40...hmm okay scammel isnt the simple answer...shame, do like them...but even so perhaps one for the fun of it and hauling 40 tons isnt the end of the world....just not as much as I wanted..., if it is more then I suppose I need to get special permission to move the load...will look into that too...if all I need to do is inform the police then its not the end of the world...just a bit of paperwork...

  5. solo driven axles take 11,500kg...so 32 tons for a scammel no problem.


    drawbars okay, these come with RFS so thats okay but because of the suspension...I may only have an all up of 40 tons...to carry the full 44 tons the scammel needs to have road friendly suspension...and I guess it doesnt have that...anyone know,?


    Is the scammel suspension steel, air or hydraulic?


    To qulify for the 44 tons I need RFS on all the axles..bugger...


    this then means the following...please correct if I am wrong...


    scammel could carry a 432 or a stolly

    it could pull a drawbar the total combined weight must only be 40 tons, even if the trailer has RFS..which it will have...13 tons for the scammel, 9 tons for the stolly makes 22 tons, 5 tons for the drawbar and 14 tons for the 432 makes 19 tons...bugger am just over...hmm wonder if I can get a 4 ton drawbar...that will carry 20 tons...that would then work...whatever at 40 tons it is going to be tight...


    Hmm thought I had solved all my problems then...I want to have a scammel so I can go play with it when I am off roading, well a little bit anyway...


    So likely my best route is to buy a 32 tonner that will take an 18 ton load, and air suspension and a draw bar trailer of 20 tons...hmm should not be too difficult to do that just a bit boring.


    Thanks for the heads up radio mike...in all the stuff i have been reading really didnt take in the maximum was subject to all wheels having the RFS...

  6. the leyland okay, but what about the scammel drops...if it were rated at 55 tons great, that means it can haul the weight. Any idea of the engine and the BHP...I am really keen to get this combo...and no idea what you mean by C & U regs...if you haul greater than 44 tons you have to get special permission thats all, as long as the vehicle is rated it can be used...

  7. okay the scammel has smaller driving wheels which I guess makes it a bit more confortable on the road and becaue its weight is some 3 tons less than the foden I guess it can haul a bit more...


    the foden is high, so the scammel would be better for the cariage of a 432...


    but could the scammel for instance pull a trailer (drawbar type) with say 14 ton 432, plus a 5 ton trailer with a ten ton load...the all up weight would be around 42 tons, under the legal limit of 44 tons...assuming the drops pallet is only 2 tons this would be close but workable...


    would the scammel have enough power, to my mind you really need about 350 plus BHP to pull that lot...although 450 would be best...any ideas if that is possible...I assume fitting a draw bar with air brakes and stuff would be no problem...and a flat bed onto the scammel to haul a stalwart or a 432...would it be better to remove the drops gear and just fit a flat bed...reducing the weight significantly, or is worth the ease of loading...

  8. the fv 430 across the tracks is about 2.5m so it would fit on...the body is a tad wider as we all know but the tracks are about the same as a stalwart. The crane version of a stolly would likely be around 9.5 to 11 tons depending one equipment fitted....and the standard mk 11 would be closer to 9 than 8. I am trying to get one of mine under 8 tons now to make it easier to MOT...may never get mot'd but its a plan...


    The problem with the drops vehicles, in my opinion, not technically is that you really do not want an 8 x 6 or 8 x 8 hauling anything like that on the roads, they are too slow and reliability would become an issue.


    The ideal vehicle would be something like a 8 x 4 with diff locks on the back wheels...all up weight would be 32 Tonnes and the bed is a good deal longer...the drops are too high...too unstable, too unreliable and not meant really meant for miles upon miles of road work...even though the army do use them for that...


    UK trucks with 4 axles have a maximum weight of 32 tons, depending upon axle type, but even if it is manufactured to carry 32.9 tons it can only have 32 tons all up in the UK ..unless it can be given some specialist vehicle class...(not going there)


    with a normal 8 x 4 you would likely be able to haul around 18 tons even with a hiab or big winch fitted to the truck...and with a 26 foot bed you could fit a few extra bits on the back too...

  9. seems like a good day to me...I would turn up for sure...likley with a stolly, a gaz 69 in the back or driven there by son...an fv 432 driven by me and a zil and a ural and a Star 660, maybe more...brought up over a few hours...would take me all day but would be fun...unless someone can come along and drive with me, if we do two at a time...would make it much quicker and would be a darn site more pleasing doing it in pairs...or triplicate etc...you know what I mean especially if I have them all road registered by then...may even have a few more interesting toys by then too...so okay i am in with one or two toys if you need them...

  10. interesting,


    so to conclude, they break if used and not maintained mercilessly.

    they have some known issues but maintenance needs to be thorough

    they catch fire if maintenance isnt merciless

    they dont like heavy usage without merciless maintenance.

    the ground it is used on screws them up too...

    they dont like water and dust


    blimey it sounds like a stalwart..


    hmm not totally put off by all of this but still not convinced...

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