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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. neil yes this will save you tons, will half the costs but i would seriously try to buy a 266 equiped version, they are a bit more expensive but more modern too...the star 660 is really a 1940's truck made in the 1960's to 1980's with few improvements over old engineering practices, some of it seems very old indeed...the carburettor and the mechanical components seem agricultural to say the least....innovatively its really nice but as i say there are some really odd bits...you should pop down and have a look at my two...

  2. Good point and one that should be remembered by all who own them.


    I have requested all members to identify local break down firms that can handle big trucks. this will also go on the list...


    My stolly was low loaded back to Guildford, scary moving 10 tons of metal with wheels, no steering and virtually no brakes...excapt that cork ratchet affair...


    this link needs to become a sticky. Who do I ask to put it as such, I asked lee but got no reply...

  3. they are excellent trucks, told you before but it will cost at least 1900 euros to get one home unless you go get it yourself, you can fit two rtucks in a load...let me know if you want the hauliers as i can get you some good prices...the big problem with the ambulance body is the fact that it is open space only when its fully open, when its closed there is very little space in it...so for some it may be a bind, you will need portable beds and all that sort likely carried in a trailer...they are not the most powerful of trucks so dont be expecting high speed on roads but they will do about 60 kmph...stolly sorts of speeds...you will need to sort the ingition and plugs and you may need to change the carb as i am looking into doing...


    but they are such characterful vehicle really quirky...and relativerly easy to work on if a bit over complex for a simple truck...air operated diff locks, mechanical 4 and 6 wheel drive, high and low in 6 wheel only...4 wheel high only...no power steering, that takes a new style of driving, you get used to that...but I do have to say they are just a fun vehicle...arent they all

  4. well we are well into this...what we need from all members is a local heavy truck break down firm...someone who can haul a broken down truck or vehicle in an emergency, especially if no one on here can help....can you guys get a name and contact number I will add it to our list THEY CAN THEN BE USED IF the truck is in need of being moved quickly just like my stalwart was the other day...complete and utter engine failure...I was stuck but luckily pulled into a layby...otherwise i would have been causing one hell of a traffic jam, friday at 5 on unlit dual carriageway ouch...ANY WAY mccormicks were out and had me away with 2 hours but there was a better firm a few miles from my site but i could not find them...have their number now...


    anyway if people could PM me with details i will add thes to the list...

  5. its confirmed it has dropped a rod, so engine out and new one in...have to rebuild two old ones now so that i have one in the truck and one as a spare...am alos looking at another stolly today to have as my true play thing, the other one with the crane I need for general work on site...so i dont want to play big time with that too much and break it again...so now itsd a wonter of rebuilding,...

  6. hi all looks like this is a reality now we have nearly 20 people so its looking good


    Aberdeen + 1...

    Eastbourne area


    Colwyn Bay.

    North Cheshire...

    Harpenden now added...

    Clydebank, nr Glasgow

    West Sussex

    North Yorkshire and Normandy France added.

    Devon and Cornwall borders...

    Staffs Derbyshire borders...

    Leicester/northants area

    West Sussex

    Portsmouth and Chichester..

    Tring/ Hertfordshire

    Possibly Leek, Staffs/derbyshire border...


    sheffield added

    More southern england wessex and sussex added...

  7. Evening all

    I need some help, got a Centurion with a meteor engine firing on 10 instead of twelve both on right hand side ,rings ? maybe? First time with a meteor engine so lots to learn . Also lookin for the rubber gun mantlet shroud(mk13) and periscopes for driver and commanders cupola.

    Also lookin for anyone with transporter to move her for me(shows etc next year)




    Shame you are so far away...I hope to have a transporter sorted for next year for my own toys..well thats in the dream anyway and yes pictures of it makes us all happy and a bit envious...

  8. Is it probable that a large percentage (near 100% but maybe slightly less) of Stalwart evaluation testing was carried out off road with no thought to on-road use?


    To a degree but it was tested at mira and other locations...it makes interesting reading but alvis did short change the army,they could have done a better job...mike is not...but it is still a quirky but lovable truck...however the major trial was with a cheiftain ceturion and saracen...the saracen was stuck all the time, the fully laden stolly recovered it every time and never got stuck...it even pulled out a chieftain and towed it 250 yads before its tow hook shattered..the army liked it then..


    but it was a flawed genius...and still really unrivalled today.


    If we did it again it would be a good deal different i think...on this Mike is surely right but it isnt and the stalwart is...long live the stalwart

  9. Did you see the sand coloured one at W&P last year Paul - that had air lockers on the front and rear drive shafts so that it ran in 2 wheel drive normally (centre wheel stations) and then either 4 or 6 wheel drive could be selected from the cab. A nice piece of engineering work.


    Yes they are a damn good piece of engineering work...I just want my stolly back and working now...with or without its flaws...

  10. These trucks were removed from the army because of their complexity and age...now you think adding more complexity and weight to them would help, nah dont think so would not be in the design brief...and was not needed...the fact that we lower the torsion bars is sensible practice not an essential need...I did mine a few weeks ago after 7 years as normal...makes her look much smaller now she is lowered by 4 inches..

  11. Are you sure that you want to put all the 240bhp through just two bevel boxes and tracta joints? Especially if it's towing another one.


    By the way I'm with Mike on the maths.


    Anyone care to ask Neil what percentage of it's worth Neil has spent on his Stalwart?

    Lights blue touch paper........


    yes I have thought about that but know a few people who have done it with success and no problems, biggest issue with the tractas and the bevel boxes seems to be jerk loads, ie trying to pull out a stump or recover another vehicle dangerous activities...the bevel boxes are fine with a good load of power and if I removed the tracta units from the front then likely rolling resitance would be a good deal less...she would be better to handle and steer...with me its more like an idea than a reality thought, i have way too many projects to even get near to this one...I will likely just buy a proper transporter for the toys...I just think the stollys are so good and there must be a way to make them even more fun and the reduced weight model is a real possibility...

  12. To question my maths a second time after I had carefully explained it , and then add the comments to the effect that I am obviously wrong, is in itself an insult. To say it is "manifestly wrong" suggests that everyone looking at it knows it is wrong because it jumps out at you as being wrong.


    I have A level Maths, and I lectured in a College, teaching Engineering to Engineering Btec students, which involves constant use and understanding of percentages, and precise technical language, for a 17 year period. No one has ever before said that my understanding of percentages is obviously wrong.


    I am sorry but it is most clear to me that you do not understand percentages, nor can you examine a simple english sentence to extract its correct meaning.


    I have laboured to explain it, but I seem to have failed.


    I feel that maybe someone with special training in remedial Maths and English, might be better equiped to explain the principles, that is why I recommend that you sees what courses are available at the local college. I have no personal bitterness towards you, I am not trying to humiliate you, but you keeps coming back saying I am not only wrong, but that it is obvous that I am wrong. I believe I am right.


    What is your view on my statements? Am I wrong with my Maths? Was my statement open to mis-interpretation. I think not? Do you think that an apology to me might be in order, when you have tried so hard to make my maths look stupid? What are your credentials for telling me about percentages?


    your maths were right to me...still like my stalwart thought even if its a mathematical anomaly or not...:)


    right or wrong, to me it appeared that you did get into this thread in a way that was worded to goad people into an argument...you succeeded.:shocked:


    Hey ho, each to their own. Still have a great liking for my stolly and any I see...good or bad...even my broken one boo hoo:-(

  13. my tracta joint went once about three years ago....wasn a bad job to fix and a lot better than the bevel box going...i have lowered my torque arms to keep them more even as i rarely travel with any load, (took 5 tons of soil once and that was some tough journey...)


    240 bhp is not bad for hauling 15 tons or there abouts...most 7.5 toners run with 150 bhp and most modern 16 toners around 210-250 bhp...so 240 in 1960 must have seemed like heaven sent...my zil 131 which loads up to 11 tons and has just 150 bhp and the ural 375 d which will load up to around 14 tons has just 180bhp...so dont think the stolly is really that short of power its just all that drive train friction....


    Mind you all academic now my engine has gone pear shaped...anyone got a good block they can let me have...still gotta love these things though...think i will buy two more, one I am going to strip of everything I can, and turn it into an offroading toy, minimum weight and traget weight being under 5 tons, is it possible i wonder...) and the other will be a hauler for the off road toy with winch only, and likely I will disengage the front bevel boxes and onyl drive on two sets of wheels...al depends upon cash but i have the toys in sight...just got to agree the deals...


    My current one will stay for site work and show work, shes going desert sand colour this time round...

  14. yes its a bit annoying, It has been off the road for about 4 months whilst we sort the leaking wheel station, now thats done the blasted engine has let us down...as I say i have a spare but the plan was to rebuild that and bring it back into as new condition prior to fitting it to 744...then I was going to rebuild the old one and therefore have two good engines...now I will only have one...will need to find me a new b81 block i suspect. well thats assuming something serously terminal has happended inside...she will be back good as new...going to give her a sand spray job and make her look all nice and pretty...as if I DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH TO DO...

  15. yes she is back home...engine will have to come out, she needed a new clutch and a good going over anyway and i am negotiating on another one as a knock about stolly, one to be towed to places where I can abuse it...going to strip it bare and make it one hell of a mean off roading vehicle...will be a lot of fun..

  16. Well we were heading for slab common today...i blame antarmike for putting a jinx on my stolly..she went big time bang...sounds like a big end or main bearing has gone...something certainly has let go all the water and a bit of oil, just below the air pump...no idea what at this stage, she is off home on a revoery truck with my son and one of my staff...I have to work this evening so am off to do that...but its at least an engine out and likely a complete strip and rebuild...very very odd she was runnign so well...luckily i have a second engine. likely i will rebuild the second engine and install that or the broken one and re install that one...depending upon the damage, ifs thrown a rod or something then she may need a new block...usually if a rod goes doesnt it do a bit of damage to the pistons and therefore the plugs, cant see any damage on the outside but something has let all the water go and she is making a terrible clattering sound...


    typical with all this talk of break down services and people giving stollys a hard time...ho hum time to give her a damn good service, new clutch nice new paint job and replace all those seals and things that needed doing...will have the dowtys out and have them serviced too...


    oh fun...

  17. Aberdeen + 1...

    Eastbourne area


    Colwyn Bay.

    North Cheshire...

    Harpenden now added...

    Clydebank, nr Glasgow

    West Sussex

    North Yorkshire and Normandy France added.

    Devon and Cornwall borders...

    Staffs Derbyshire borders...

    Leicester/northants area

    West Sussex

    Portsmouth and Chichester..

    Tring/ Hertfordshire

    Possibly Leek, Staffs/derbyshire border...


    sheffield added.


    To reiterate guys this is just about being around to help someone in time of an emergency. if a fellow HMVF er has broekn down and just needs someone local to make a cup of tea or to offer moral support it can help...you dont need to have a recovery company or a scammel...I know most people will use the AA for their smaller vehicles but for armour and ttacked and big trucks it can be a real nightmare...I am taking my stalwart for a run out today...its scary not to have any cover...

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