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Posts posted by sirhc

  1. Am i missing something here???????


    I own a diesel MV and dont know much about these pellets but have heard about them so I was asking on behalf of my father-in-law


    Whats the problem ?????????




    They don't work! There is only one way to get lead in to your petrol, and that's to use a proper lead addative such as Castrol Valvemaster. Have a look on Google, there's plenty out there about them.

  2. Next question. Before i go ahead and stamp these markings into the gate is this the correct layout? i have chipped and brushed and chipped but cannot find signs of the original marking.



    It should already be stamped there but may be hidden under thick paint. Remove it and give it a blast with some glass beads (or rub it down, paint strip etc) and it should reveal itself.

  3. When the Foxes went for disposal, quite a few were sold less the power pack. They were sold to Ricardo, who were going to fit a diesel and sell them on. This never happened, and Withams bought them. This is where quite a few of the restored ones came from. I don't know where the rest went, but it is something I have been wondering for a while. I am fairly sure they were all scrapped. I very much doubt they are still around, given how fast stuff is disposed of these days. For example the current batch of Bowmanised 432s at Withams.



  4. As an owner of 3 Sabres and a Fox, I think I can answer some of your post. Firstly you need to be really careful what you read on the internet as a lot of what's posted on Wikipedia is rubbish.


    Al CVR hulls and turrets are constructed from welded plate. There is no casting, other than indiviual pieces like the mantlet. There is less material and less welds in a turret than a hull, therefore the hulls are much more expensive to produce.


    136 Sabres were built, all have been disposed of. A lot went through Withams, the rest were cut up by ABRO. This was done in 2004, other than those which are restored and a few under going restoration, they are all gone.


    Fox was not a sucessful vehicle in service, they are hard work to keep going and anything which needs repairing is not a simple job. It's much easier to do any job on a CVRT than it is on a Fox. If they had continued to use them without turrets, they would have had to get rid of them when swapping to diesel anyway. There is not a lot of room in the back of a Fox when it's complete.



  5. Bob, do you have any further information of those?


    Anything other than a much lighter LMG/GPMG turret, would result in the Fox being just as unstable as when fitted with the original 30mm RARDEN turret.


    With the noxious fumes from the 76mm main armament (in the turret from the Scorpion), I can not imagine anyone seriously considering using a top-heavy 76mm Fox in a cross-country situation, or on surfaced roads where greater speeds would be possible - and a problem.


    A top-heavy 76mm Fox - quite literally - must have been one “bastard” of a vehicle, and a complete waste, abuse of, the otherwise very fine Fox wheeled chassis! :mad:


    However, it might possibly be an ideal candidate for collectors, and used as a static display. Hours could be spent having to explain the convoluted history/pedigree of a 76mm Fox !! :-)


    I am curious, and will send a PM. Cheers.


    The turrets weren't actually fitted to the Fox chasiss, they were just dumped on top of them for disposal. The 4 turrets Bob is talking about were removed from vehicles cut up for spares.



  6. A46 described by the BBC as Hazardous today as is A52. Continued snow foercast for today, turning to heavy snowfall tonight for most of Linconlshire.


    I drive A52/A46 every day from Nottingham to Lincoln. My journey time has been quicker this week than it is usually! Nottinghamshire is nowhere near as bad as Lincolnshire though. I would have gone in the Wolf this week, if the head gasket hadn't gone on the weekend :(

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