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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Police are told that a DEAC MUST have a cert. This I have discovered it what they are tought! Unbleviably, WE know more about the Firearms Act than your general Plod does! The three Deact marks are what is important. The cert is purely Evidential, But IS an important aspect of Deact ownership. Your discription of the mark/ stamp of crossed swords is from the Birmingham Proof house. London is an arm holding a scimitar. It is a simple matter to obtain a replacement cert if you have lost one or it has been destroyed. You simply resubmit the item for RE-CERTIFICATION to the Proof house in question. However. you can submit to EITHER Proof house for Certification, EVEN if it has been already done by one of the others. They will simply mark it with thier OWN Deact Proof marks. this will mean the item has two different sets of Deact marking, but does NOT Matter at all. I have done this for customers HUNDEREDS of times! I have bought hundereds of Deacts without certifictaes & submitted them myself for RE Certification, with NO problem. Remember, in Law, the Cert is evidential, it is the DEACT PROOF MARKS THAT PROVE THE WEAPON IS DEACTIVATED! (Unless some Idiot has recativated it if course. & then it will be seized & sumitted to Forensics for testing)
  2. Come on Martin, Get it right. It was 3AM, 3.15AM & 3.30AM! :-D Seriously though, it was stupid & Selfish to do this at that Event. I can only ASSUME that it was Alcohol Fuel-ed?........
  3. 'Prior Preparation & Planning Prevents Pi** Poor Performance'!........
  4. Nice work as usual Rob! The posters arrived OK yesterday Mate, Many Thanks. Mike.
  5. For my next trick, I will pull out a Rabbit out of my Hat!............Da, DAAA! Mike
  6. What!!! They had ANIMALS in there as well??????? :shocked:.........................:-D
  7. Alvis did offer an upgrade package for Scorpion at one time. This INCLUDED a motor & gearbox for powered traverse. If you are going to Bletring, have a chat with the Alvis AFV Society Boys! Mike
  8. Returned down this morning to W&P venue to deploy my 9x9. Weather: overcast a bit, cloudy but DRY! The ground is still Firm & Hard, No probs getting about whatsoever!. Had a Cuppa with Rick W & had a chinwag. (He's Opposite me) Met up with Lee again for a Chat for 30 Mins then returned to Ashford. Called in at our Local TA & managed to Obtain a Thomas bin for all my SA & MG Spares! Thank you guys! Here we have had the smallest amount of rain. Spitting, but so light, it's barely worth (3.pm) mentioning! Dry now & lightly overcast. It's OK! No probs at 'Belters' so far chaps! Mike :thumbsup:
  9. Radek, Press down on the small lock spring, & as your drum is rusted. Tap with a copper hammer the main bracket with the canvas handle. AWAY from the cutout on this handle bracket to move it to one side. Yours is a later version without a bolt & nut going through it! When bracket is removed, lift off the lid. You may also have to tap this lightly as well to get it off! Mike
  10. Neil is correct, the British Army per say has NEVER used a short barrelled SLR. There is the POSSIBLE probability that 22nd S.A.S had trialed an example. But I do NOT think it was ever adopted. The muzzle flash would be too great & give away a firers position & destroy night vision. I am aware that a few were converted for Austrailian Forces though. Wether they were adopted or not is uncertain. I would imagine thier use to be very infrequent for the above stated facts. An Aussie SLR is very easily identifed. It's Serial number is ALWAYS o the right hand side, & always a LONG one! As opposed to Brit Spec which is on the left & a LOT shorter. If you can get to W&P, come & see me on plot 97 with My Armourers display & I can show you better. Mike
  11. you will be more than wellcome! I will be easy to find! :-D
  12. Radek, A screw goes through the top of the main body to hold it together. Inside it's like a clock spring all wound up. Be carefull how you undo it & remove it! Count how many time s you have to unwind to take the pressure off. wind it back up the SAME amount when you replace it! Mike
  13. As Chev has said, it is important to know what spec (Early or late) you are after. As there is a VAST difference in price! :shocked: Mike
  14. Neil, I look forward to Meeting you in the Flesh, so to speak! It all depends on what you want 'Fixing' on your KVPT! :shocked: Come & have a chat, I am comming down on this Sunday afternoon. This will leave me (hopefully) two days to deploy my resources completely! :-D Mike
  15. Excellent meeting up again Lee! Thanks for your kind assistance, as usual! :cool2: VERY Nice to put a face to the name Helliops! Ground area report (For those who MAY be interested) on my thread 'Armourers Display At Beltring'. Cheers, Mike. :thumbsup:
  16. Arrived at the venue today at 9.30am. It's pleasantly cool, even after all that rain! The ground is firm & definately NOT soggy or like a bog! Even after the rain ,the ground was so dry it's all soaked up like blotting paper! Pegged out & roped off my display area, smartly & distinctly, (In a Smart & Soldier Like Fashion!) = Plot:97. For those of you who have contacted me to meet up for work to be done Etc. I am opposite Rick Williamsons emporium, & next to the Green Howards Display. Near the entrance corner to America's Field. I reitterate: Any Repairs, Adjustments, Inspections, enquiries, sales, and Tech or Legal Advice. Please come & see me. Even if you are simply interested in Small arms or are thinking of asking about any pitfalls or need info on the subject. You will find me a VERY Friendly & hopefully, Helpfull Artisan! See you there! :thumbsup: Mike. :-)
  17. They are Hidding in thier Burrows!...........
  18. The rear shot of the sand coloured Saladin is iteresting. Notice the exhaust shield, it;s flat. The normal one is HUGE round & HEAVY! (I know, I had a Saladin Once!) Is this the result of a Deisel conversion? I have not seen this before, but am aware that Budge did do a coversion of the 600 series of vehicles as a Military option. If it is Deisel, then a practical mod. But i love the fact that these vehicles are so quiet when they go past, the same as Ferrets! Mike
  19. Morning Lee! I will be down on Monday to peg out my area. I will give you a bell on the Moby when I have finnished that, for a link up. Have a good Weekend Mate! :thumbsup: Mike
  20. Phew, What a scorcher today! I have made myself usefull & manufactured a wooden rifle rack for the display at W&P. Also made up some signs & painted attractive olive green & all stenciled up. The hot weather dried the paint quickly & made life easier in being able to get on with things a lot faster without having to wait for the paint to go hard! Only thing now is, Im sweating like mad doing all the Donkey work. Filling Armourers chests with Tools & Heavy paraphanalia that We Armourers have to use to work 'The Magic'! Comming along nicely & I am hopefull that this will be a VERY interesting & Educational Exhibit! It has generated a LOT of interest & positive feedback so far! It's a lot of work for one person, but as Im the only one here, that's it! :nut: Must grab a cool beer now........:cool2: Mike.
  21. I cant ID the scope or show you the reticule. But I Know the guy in the picture VERY well! He is a Trader collegue of mine & we also Served together in the Army. Mike
  22. Then come & see me Jack! (Dont forget your Lager Payment!):nut:
  23. I knew a chap that I was instrumental in getting a Ferret for a few years back. He wanted one that was different & chose to have it don in the UN white livery. He did contact the UN & enquire about using the UN Logo. There was no problem with that with the proviso that it was NOT being used to Imitate an official UN vehicle in Service. And that the vehicle when logo'ed up, was not portraying the UN in a Negative light!
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