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Posts posted by Rootes75

  1. Agreed, building up a rapport with a seller or should I say 'like' minded seller is a huge step in buying vehicle. Talking face to face with someone who knows and cares about what they have is important.

    Not the faceless purchase off ebay and the like where there is no communication and just bidding wars!

  2. I always used to be very cautious when it came to buying vehicles. Now being somewhat older (not much!) and wiser I take a different attitude. You know straight away when you see a project or vehicle whether its right for you, sometime the price may be a little higher than expected but you fall for something and go for it.

    Vehicles, no matter which or condition are expensive in the long run, that's simply one aspect of our hobby that must go part and parcel with it.

    I have missed some lovely vehicles in the past but now I suppose I understand their historical importance better and our 'role' as custodians for future generations. I say if you like it and it presses the right buttons for you go for it, its only yourself who would regret not snapping up that 'right' vehicle when its available.

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