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Everything posted by rbrtcrowther

  1. I suppose it only takes one disaster and it could not only be big trouble personaly but change things for the whole vintage scene. you could imagine the headlines (Uninsured vintage deathtrap flattens orphanage):??? Rob.
  2. Hi there Popped my clutch of last night and my thrust bearing is a perfect fit on the tube bit. My scammell is a 1950 first contract (I think its the 83rd one built) so perhaps the design changed? Don't suppose you could put a picture of where your axle oil cooler pipes connect to your engine as some silly sod disconnected mine cos the cooler froze up and popped apart. Rob.
  3. Cheers Grumpy. Thats sorted out that I think. I have a HGV rigid licence to drive the Cranes at work so not worried about the Scammell. Is a twenty od foot Showmans trailer a loaded trailer? And if a scammell explorer is pulling amother dead explorer or lorry with front coupling heads for the air brakes they must be connected by law? Just need to be clear once and for all. I promise never to ask anoying questions again:blush: Many thanks Rob
  4. Hi there.:wave: Sorry to go off topic but i often read stories about towing large vehicles back to base and helping a mate who broke down and (the new toy was hooked up on a straight bar and towed home for restoration)ect. and have a few questions.:readbook: 1)Is it a legal requirement for the towed vehicle to have brakes air lines hooked up ect (even if there is someone steering it) OR suspended. 2)If you only have a rigid licence, when you are towing (straight bar or suspended) you are articulated So in theory don't have the required licence?:police: 3)People tell me they don't need a hgv to drive an explorer is this a grey area and how grey an area is it when your trucks gone through a house?:whistle: Hope you can shed light Rob
  5. Well i thought it was time i tried to start a restoration blog thingy.:wave: The engine is now sat in the shed waiting for some love and i have just removed the clutch. Someone had been there before and i was expecting the worst (If the rest of the truck is anything to go by) but hey presto a new (as in not many miles) clutch plate!:wow:. A little bit of heat cracking on both pressure plate and flywheel but nothing to worry about.:pfrt: She won't be working hard and i have seen much worse on every muir hill tractor i have ever worked on. On the other note i stuck a leaver between the flywheel and housing an i can lever the crankshaft up and down about a 1mm confirming a knackerd bottom end. Rob. PS. I really need a bigger shed.
  6. Hi Anybody know who bought the explorer that was in the courtyard of the noath fort in weymouth?:??? Think they sold it about 3 years ago and i also think it was fully kitted out. The cab was knackerd as it had been stood by the sea for years. They sold it cos they could not look after it. Just wonderd what happened to it? Rob.
  7. Cheers I'll have a look at the website. I have cut the rear helper leaves off and am now looking for some softer shock absorbers. Also did a 2.8 turbo fourtrac engine conversion about 3 or 4 years ago. best money i ever spent. My series 3 with overdrive still runs out of gears will hit 85mph and out pulls all the 300tdi 90s in the club! Plonk my 22ft hobby caravan on the back and it still plod on at 60 down the M6. Conversion kit cost about £350 and you can pick up a fourtrac for about £200 but you do need to cut the passsenger footwell to fit the turbo in. No need to modify the engine mounts on the chassis it all bolts on the engine with the kit. the 2.8 non turbo plops straight in no cutting of anything!


    All the best


  8. HI there:wave: I only joined a few weeks ago an am still trying to catch up on all the message posts. Would like to see some pics of your scammell and the broken bits and any pics of how you fixed it. look forward to chatting. Rob.
  9. Hi. Mine is one of the first ones from the first contract. it has the standard sealed military dash and switch gear. Also double skinned cab with insulation. heater AND demister, propshaft brake. sprung towing points and it did have coil ignition.
  10. Congratulations on the worlds largers signiture picture andy.:rofl:
  11. Cheers for that!:cheesy::thanx: Yes i'm dead sure now, second one from the far end, you can see the dent in the bonnet.:clap:
  12. That picture of all the Scammell explorers lined up outside the factory always makes me wonder. One could be mine! They all have sprung tow hitches so are of the right contract. It just makes me wonder if Big Jenny is in that line up?:??? I like to think she's the last one you can make out right at the far end. We can all dream can't we. Sorry i can't fine a copy of the pic anywhere. Rob.
  13. Any one own it? has it survived? (the scammell not the plane)
  14. Hello chaps. I don't really know much about fork lifts but my local timber yard (Glaslyn fencing) used to have about 4 or 5 eager beavers and i think 2 are still in daily use and the others have been used for spares. One has a cab with glass windows. So i get my fire wood loaded by an eager beaver. I had no idea they were ex army. You learn something every day. Rob.
  15. Why is it when your about to perform a delicate operation (like removing a really heavy engine with a very small chain hoist) all your friends turn up at the same time with really unhelpful advice and happily take the p*** when it all goes a bit pear shaped? They all fly mode airplanes at my house. I like to call them the bobble hat brigade. Don't know when i will start to strip the engine down as i really should take little Jenny shopping (she did go over the whole cab with an oily rag today and provide tea all day bless) so it may be a while before any further progress takes place. Rob.
  16. Hi there, nice to others working on scammels in this chilly weather!!! A few more pics of todays progress.
  17. :morning: Hope you all had a good night i'm off get this engine out.(if my head will stop banging):-|
  18. Well off to the pub now:beer:talk to you next year:banana: A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!!!:dancinggirls::thanx::dancing::rotfl: Robert.
  19. Hi chaps,:wave: just got in from er... outside and have just finished getting ready to remove the donkey from the explorer. just the mounts and crossmember to go and i'll pop it out. Decided to take the floor out of the cab for better access :-\ hopefully i can jack the chassis up under the ground ancore frame as it has been welded to the chassis rails (i will also leave the bottom bolt on each extension) I was going to cut it off but it might make removing the engine a bit more simple (rather than jacking up under the chassis rails and supporting between the axle ect) So some pics of work today. Also some pics of the petrol crankshaft that i hope will fit!
  20. Hi. I think 2 days ownership would have been more than enough with this one. It needs more work than i ever thought. and most of it major:eek: Still it was all i could afford at the tiime. and we'll get there in the end (hopefully before the end!!!) All the best Rob. PS. can't marry my girlfriend at the moment cos the scammell is the wedding car!
  21. Yet more pictures.... Removing timber from rear (yes that is an axe!):sweat: Some more new coupling porn!!!:bow: And craning some tyres onto garage roof.
  22. HI Have managed to find the picture of my meadows 6 dc 630 mk9 diesel actually running!! It's been a long time since i saw it run.
  23. I really really like that Explorer. Nice sun visor. Rob.
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