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Great War truck

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Everything posted by Great War truck

  1. Following on from the Daimler chassis find (which you will remember was missing a diff - along with a few other bits), look what these chaps have found now. It looks as if it is very much complete. Now if they could only obtain a Thorny J one for us. They also have recovered this steering box, but at the moment are uncertain as to what it is off:
  2. I was under the impression that they threw out the MV lot to sell the land for houses to fund the rest of the site for the future. If they have done it and left it all empty i find that remarkable. I used to go to Bletchley every year, but since there are no MV's left i have never been back. They did not support us so i am reluctant to support them. A shame when they have such a wonderful site with amazing history. Very sad indeed. Tim (too)
  3. Many thanks for that. Lots of interesting things on there.

    Best regards


  4. And another thought. You cant make your kids love MV's. They have to find them at their own speed otherwise you will turn them off the whole idea. Ella aged 1 and her first motorised pushchair Tim (too)
  5. Yes well done! I have two girls myself (i must have been really bad in a previous life). The one thing that never fails to suprise me is the amount of glitter that invades my life. It is everywhere, always, and in the most suprising places as well. Another disadvantage with girls is that i cant play with their toys. At least if i had a boy i could get away with playing with soldiers once again. I really feel daft playing with a pink pony (if there is anybody watching of course). Tim (too)
  6. Just goes to show that you cant help some people. Tim (too)
  7. I wished i had put him on my favourite seelers and then i could see what else he has put up for sale. For those who dont know what we are talking about, angry Mitch took a fine GMC and replaced the engine with a modern diesel, which then wouldnt fit at which point he tried to sell it. Did i mention that he was very very angry as well? Tim (too)
  8. What the heck was he thinking of. He says that a museum has valued it at £10,000. What museum was that? "The Museum of stupid things that people do to their cars" no doubt. We should start a new thread of ridiculous things people have done to their military vehicles. We should include the pink Jeep and the GMC of Angry Mitch (remember him). Actually better not do that, as it would not fall in place with the friendly forum image that Jack has generated. Please ignore everything i have just said. Tim (too)
  9. OK. I have found your post. Not a lot i can add to that. But the Jerrycan book is really good if you ever feel the need to collect Jerrycans. Anyway, here are a few photos of the book by Phillipe Leger which i would still reccommend even if it did not answer the brown jerrycan question. The book is in both French and English by the way.
  10. The book would suggest that they were green, sand or black. However, it goes on to say that "the bottom of some water jerrycans is dark brown". Was yours brown when you bought it or did you paint it brown yourself? Redirect me to your other thread if you like. Tim (too)
  11. Well done Jack, you totally deserve that award. A pity i missed the ceromony, but i enjoyed the video greatly. Has anybody got a spare trophy cabinet for the club house? Tim (too)
  12. They look like Confederates from the American Civil War, but i guess they are from a Military Academy. What is the MG? A Colt? Tim (too)
  13. People who will have seen my posts will know that i have had constant trouble with my neigbours. Things go missing, they have been in the garden, plants all dug up, constant noise, swearing and occasional missiles over the fence. I put up a taller and stronger fence and am currently in the process of putting anti-intruder spikes on it. While walking my 4 year daughter to the park on Monday i saw them and mates coming back up the road on the other side shouting abuse at passing cars, and then me as well. Not being brave (stupid) enough to take on 5 of them i ignored them but fumed about it instead. Just found out today that after my run in with them they threw stones at one of my neigbours who was having a barbecue and hit him in the face with one causing a nasty gash. Police were called and things said but not much actually done. However on the plus side they have just been served 2 Months notice to leave their house!! Great news but the worry is that i may now have a horrendous 2 Months. Cars vandalised again, more missiles and more abuse. But they are going. Oh yes they are going. Time for a "Chuff chart". I am counting down the days. Tim (too)
  14. I didnt know that you needed help. What did you need to know? Tim (too)
  15. I hadnt thought about that, but no they didnt feature. Tim (too)
  16. Did you master the pedals on the Model T? Do you know the history behind that one? What is the sledge thing? I have not seen one like that before? Tim (too)
  17. For the first time ever (on my one day pass) i avoided the stalls until about 3.30 after having looked at the vehicles first. So i did not have long for a rummage. This was probably a good idea as i didnt have much money to spend this year. All i bought was a couple of books (and one of thsoe was remaindered). So i was wondering, did anybody have a particularly good find, that missing piece of whatever that they had been looking for over the last 20 years? I have given up hope of finding anything WW1 truckish other than a headlamp costing £300. But, my star find was a superb book on Jerrycans. Best book i have bought this year and the stall had already sold all but one (i think they had started off with 20). Tim (too)
  18. It looks very interesting. I have not seen one before. I will have to look for a photo now.
  19. "Lets form a Soggy Bottom Boys tribute band?" Tim (too)
  20. Jack said in the "Jacks embarrassment" topic: "I will also never forgot what Pat Ware whispered to me when he handed me the award - and I will keep that one to myself". As Jack has not yet revealed what Pat said, i thought we should (at the risk of getting myself banned from both CMV and HMVF simultaneously) have a little guessing game. My suggestion of what Pat said is "I really like your hair, what sort of shampoo do you use?" Tim (too)
  21. Yes, he had a very nice van. I think it was a rental one though. This is bound to have irritated someone (or two). But if he has got the Vanderveen Trophy then it is richly deserved. Tim (too)
  22. The US Navy today announced that it has released a senior Al Qaeda terrorist after questioning him extensively for 27 days while being held prisoner aboard a US aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea. In a humanitarian gesture, the terrorist was given $50 in UScurrency and a white 1962 Ford Fairlane automobile upon being released from custody. The photo below shows the terrorist on his way home just after being released by the Navy.
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