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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. A good idea but nope. The table shown is not actually from a Navy publication, but from another Government department, oh sorry we've got to call it an 'agency' now. (Strange how Ministries became Departments & now they are Agencies :dunno:)
  2. Yes well done Yes, but there was something special about them
  3. Interesting line of thought, but nope. There are two items that give away what part of HM Forces are concerned here. One of these items has sometimes been used as slang.
  4. Good idea, but it isn't that because if you look at syrup, jams, & marmalade they would be far too cheap. There are a couple of items there, which give a different sort of clue as to what it is all about.
  5. Good line of thought, but nope. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/ChristmasCake03.jpg[/img]
  6. You never know, but probably not. Don't think I would fancy a piece, given the corned beef & tobacco content.
  7. What do the follow have in common in a miltary context, apart from most being harmful to the body as in teeth, liver & lungs?
  8. Ah & I thought REME could lend a hand to anything.
  9. Nice try Richard, but I can see what you mean. But as it happens the goat cage was modified later & covered in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES A 409 Fig. 1 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Dogcage01.jpg[/img]
  10. Yes well done, it is covered in EMER ANIMALS HOOFED A409 Fig. 1 Here is one I prepared earlier. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/DSCF1568.jpg[/img]
  11. Eh nope, but is that how you used to do it?
  12. Yes very good, but this an non-seasonal activity.
  13. An easy one for Christmas. What's this man doing? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Dogcage02.jpg[/img]
  14. There is no regulatory requirement about font, but size is important. For tyre pressure markings, IRR dates etc I have used the RS stencils http://rswww.com/cgi-bin/bv/rswww/searchBrowseAction.do?D=stencils&Nr=AND%28avl%3auk%2csearchDiscon _uk%3aN%29&Ntk=I18NAll&Nty=1&Ntt=stencils&Dx=mode%20matchpartial&Ntx=mode%20matchpartial&N=0&name= SiteStandard&forwardingPage=line&R=0609332&callingPage=/jsp/search/search.jsp&BV _SessionID=@@@@0433853804.1198270742@@@@&BV_EngineID=cccladdmkkefgmgcefeceeldgkidhgh.0&cacheID=ukie But they do larger as well. Usually the unit marking on wing eg SE/123 would be a white transfer, letraset would do. The font strikes me as Ariel in bold.
  15. The link wouldn't work for me. This isn't a spark transmitter, these are thermionic valves, NT24 triodes. There are two rigs here, one on the 30 metre band for surfaced comms & the other on 10 metres experimenting with underwater transmissions. Not sure what you meant about "They were also fitted to Type B , Old Bill buses for ground use". But these things had massive power demands with a DC input of 3kw to the anode, hence the big Type 9 Transformer on the lower left. Rick, fascinating antenna system on the tank. I thought they just used pigeons & semaphore. Sorry to have hijacked the thread but it made me dig out this old report on cutting edge comms in 1925. Fascinating document, circuit diagrams, photos, signal strength versus time & date charts. H43 was in the English Channel but consistant signal pretty well from monitoring stations in Gibraltar & Malta.
  16. What does that all mean, Tony? BTW Rick your picture has gone very low resolution.
  17. Yes, April 1925 experiments in communication on the 30 metre band on HM Submarine H43 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/App0706.jpg[/img]
  18. I suspect it is a later version of this, complete with wood panels in a particularly heavy & waterproof means of transport. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/App0705.jpg[/img]
  19. Tony, I think you meant to say the other way round. If when you have the engine running & disconnect the lead to a plug & it makes no difference to the running you have found the dodgy lead. If when you disconnect a lead & the engine running gets worse you know that plug & circuit was working.
  20. Paul, if the electrics are inefficient, no amount of carb adjustment will compensate. The symptoms mentioned above (assuming it passes compression testing) are all compatable with electrical problems. Over the years of tinkering with poorly running engines when I have been convinced it is a fuel issue, about 90% of the problems lay in condenser, plug , points & rotor issues.
  21. Fred, I don't think a few squirts is really enough. Should be 1/4 pint of engine oil, this is the capacity of the dynamo gearbox which needs to be filled at start up. It is not so much sucked down into the sump but fed in at the top from the main gallery & takes "a few minutes" to get circulating through. Once going it flows at about 1/4 gallon a minute.
  22. Paul. This one of my favourite questions, that I have to ask. Have you checked your condenser? Also have you got your plugs really clean i.e. sand blasting your plugs? Can you fit the pub lunch in a large jiffy bag, might get here before Christmas :-D But if you can get it here (the Rover not the lunch). I'll do my best to help.
  23. Not a problem as the oil drains into the sump. BTW early Humber User Handbooks did not give this topping up with engine oil advice. It was introduced later, presumably as the result of problems with dynamo gearbox failure. Generally if that fails the dynamo will still produce output but the 2-speed operation goes & you can't charge below 1000 rpm. Its worth trying to preserve the gearbox as when you look at the EMER for a rebuild, it looks mighty complicated.
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