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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Yes Lee but did it give you a chest like that?
  2. And why not? If I showed a picture of a complete balloon & said it was bright orange, one post & the game would be over. ;-) and besides we would rob Tony the satisfaction of having deduced his way to winning another one :-D
  3. That is an excellent suggestion, as RF communications from the jungle would be very difficult. if that was the purpose I'm sure it would be a camo balloon. You're not to know this but it was apparently bright orange........ which means: Yes, well done!
  4. Oh alright then http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/images.jpg[/img] But can you tell me, is that you in the avatar? I have been trying not to ask for ages. But is it an Indian headress, bikers helmet or something from the Crazy World of Arthur Brown?
  5. I don't know if that was the chemistry, but the purpose was for something else.
  6. Yes you were quite right Lee, as you were the first poster I imagined everyone else would see the brush. I thought at first it was just me that thought it was a wooden flat thing & a very black hole.
  7. Yes, yes. He is in fact a member of the Rhine Army's Archaeological Society. A rather staged scene as he sweeps away copious remains left by the Roman 14th Legion who shared the site with the British Army HQ.
  8. Nope Nope Yes, very good. He has added water from the bucket, to a container at the base of the balloon. So just looking for its function now.
  9. Yes, yes, it's so obvious once you have seen it! That's what I always see now, but before it clicked. It just looked like a man with wooden bat waiting over a very black hole.
  10. Image not been fiddled with. But the image is a bit like those posters that were around a few years ago made up of funny dots, you stare hard enough & an image of something appears. This image is bit like that. When I first looked it, it appeared in a particular way due to my eye/brain making assumptions. But at staring it further, the image reveals something different & correct. Now my eye/brain interface knows what I should be looking at, that is the way I see it & it all becomes more obvious.
  12. Nope, (I think the prongs are grass)
  13. Nope, but it does look like bits of toast there
  14. What is this man doing? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/-trap-rabbit.jpg[/img]
  15. Lee are you one of the ringleaders or "fanatics who rush the wire" & are shot by marksmen to set an example? Remember everything you shouted has been written down. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/-Punjab-mutiny03.jpg[/img] and photographed http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/-Punjab-mutiny04.jpg[/img]
  16. Yes very good the bowler hat & the muddy tracks all add to the giveaway These are men of the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) in the barracks near Barnard Castle. Some men are non-wightened up & wearing "captured communist terrorist uniforms". The soldiers dressed as ships stewards represent the local police force & the man wearing the bowler (what else?) represents HMG in form of the role of a local magistrate played by an officer. He is trying to disperse the crowd before they storm the British Consulate that has just been cordoned off with barbed wire. The batons are rolls of paper & the coconut looking things are rags covered with hessien.
  17. Yes well done.So the questions are for what purpose & how was it inflated? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Balloon01a.jpg[/img]
  18. I doubt it, everything is sold off to investors sooner or later. I think there are plans for QinetiQ (what a silly name) to go on the stock market :shake: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/alan-turnbull/eye-spy-uk-secrets3.htm
  19. A moderator is called in to restore order to the forum http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/-Punjab-mutiny02.jpg[/img]
  20. Yes good it was 1956, but location not quite right
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