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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. It is interesting to see how planners thought things would pan out. It wasn't until August that troops moved in, thankfully not with Morris Minors as that might have given rise to ridicule. The IRA Border Campaign ran from 1956-62 when the RUC received, Pigs, Haltracks, Dingos & lots of Bedfords. These were then gradually thinned down as the state of alert died down. The Civil Rights Association formed in 1967 with many marches taking place in 1968. So that obviously got planners thinking as an EMER was issued in October 1968 to fit electrification systems to certain Saracens, Saladins & Ferrets. (Pigs were 'obsolete' by then) Perhaps more optimistic planners dreamt up the IS Moggy in May 1969? I suppose you had to have a range of equipment available & plan for it. Like REME must have been busy converting the old metal riot shields into longer ones. You can see as troops marched in across the Foyle, that the riot shields had extension pieces riveted on. I wonder what other equipment was there ready & waiting?
  2. Yes it easy to see how easy it was once you have twigged it. But you did well many great minds who often do well on these didn't click into it all! Not even the giveaway of the rum & the lime! But I think there are a few watchers, I always feel that if an object doesn't hit 100 views before they get the answer I have failed to produce something challenging & interesting, but it is surprising the number of hits that continue once you allow for the relatively few participants to have viewed the final answer.
  3. You're spoilt for choice depending on the era you want. In that pamphlet the dark was always on the whole of the roof & cab, most of the wings & various types of spodges & splatters around the sides. The earlier system in 1939 (MTP No.20) was very markedly disruptive I assume that continued until Nov.1941 as I have not found a publication in between. Pattern, very much like recent British NATO camo patterns. But the colours then were the basic colour Khaki Green No.3 with disruptive in Dark Green No.4 or for light backgrounds, Light Green No.5. There is reference to a third colour being used "under certain circumstances".
  4. I was only teasing, but not sure if I have now been caught in a counter-tease :roll: I can reveal that this drawing is from EMER WHEELED VEHICLES P 317 Mod Instruction No. 1. Internal security screening, May 1969 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Morris3.jpg[/img]
  5. Those aren't tyres, those are wooden legs :-D
  6. Probably isn't genuine, I can see no signs of D-Day markings. I suspect it served in same unit as a GPO Telephone moggy that is now in bomb disposal livery. But of course if you want to get really ridiculous, here's someones idea of a riot control moggy for N.Ireland. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Morris1.jpg[/img] Goodness know who dreamed that one up?
  7. Ah yes my dad had a black one like that RTT 365. He was very lucky because he traded in a Jowett Javelin & the next day the Javelin ceased production.
  8. Could well be. But more likely the colour of stomach contents for some of us after a good night out or in this case, in. :sweat:
  9. Nope, that was just 3 colours although there a few Berlin fantasies that have assumed 4 colours, maybe they would like some more to chose from!
  10. An easy one for Christmas Eve. What do these colours have in common?
  11. They are camouflaged Neil ;-)
  12. Yes well done Degsy Yes when I said: "If it helps, it's to do with customs prevailing in the Navy in 1938". It was not "customs" as in traditions but "customs" as in excise duty! It is from "Instructions in regard to relations with the Navy, Customs Code Vol. 1, Part 9, Sect. 5, Para. 72, July 1938" http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/ChristmasCake01.jpg[/img] I could understand the duty on fags & booze, but duty on celery seed & pepper seems a bit much. Hardly worthwhile taxing tinned tomatoes, syrup, jams & marmalade! In Oct 1949 the duty was removed from celery seed, corned beef, currants, sultannas, tinned tomatoes & lime juice but duty was then levied on lemon powder.
  13. Nope. The answer is hidden in one of my answers, in that some words can have another meaning ;-)
  14. Yes absolutely right, I knew I could rely on you. Coming in for the kill with such an accurate answer. Makes wonder if you knew all along & just being a good sport so that it wasn't over too quickly? :yay: :yay: :yay: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/App0712.jpg[/img] Incidentally it was parked next to the Saracen with armoured observation turret we saw a bit earlier. This table like OP did have a certain resemblance to the previous object, which inspired the angle of shot for the bathroom stool on Land Rover. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/DSCF6824.jpg[/img]
  15. Getting warm, but there's no wire cutter or Land Rover
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