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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. You can get a vehicle search done as an EMLRA member. There is a charge I think of £5, membership cost £20.
  2. A few interesting wagons, such a shame you can't get a good picture of just the wagon itself without other stuff. Day after day I kept going back to try to get a picture of just this beautiful wagon itself without things on it, attached to it, underneath it or things/people around it. Wonderful restoration, most interesting thing of the show I thought.
  3. Well I saw a Jeep for sale at £17,750 at W&P & it looked as if he had a buyer. Some might say you get a bit more for your money with a Ferret.
  4. The worry was that being possibly perceived as a re-enactor that some show organisers may feel PLI is required. If you have a living history display it is required. If you belong to a group whilst on the display you are covered by the group's PLI. But it is stated that this PLI is only whilst part of the display, if you walk around the showground you are not covered & insurance companies exist to provide this individual cover. So it all gets rather tiresome. I notice that to enter some living history areas at W&P you had to have your own PLI :-(
  5. People wearing uniforms associated with a display, which may or may not include vehicles, are re-enactors displaying "living history". Our vehicles when on display, by the very fact that they (mostly) run & very often arrive under their own power, to my mind are depicting a mechanical living history. Now if a driver wears a uniform is he re-enactor with his vehicle? If he leaves his vehicle & walks around a showground is he still a re-enactor. Re-enactors are expected to take out PL insurance. If you wear a uniform with your vehicle do you need PLI as your vehicle insurance isn't going to cover PLI for dressing up? If you walk down the street dressed in bygone clothing I don't imagine you need PLI. If you walk around the showground with clothing that depicts a bygone time are you are re-enactor who needs PLI? What if a member of public comes to a show wearing uniform or fashion of a bygone age are they re-enactors? Possibly not, so perhaps a vehicle driver away from his vehicle is not a re-enactor either? Where does the need for re-enactors PLI begin? So is it perhaps better just to drive your vehicle & wear T shirt & jeans to demonstrate you are not a re-enactor. But then of course you won't be allowed to go to Bovington events who feel vehicle owners should also be re-enactors.
  6. Nope, anyway that could lead to abuse. ISTR Equipment Regulations assumed an allocation for men of only 3 sheets a day, (women were allocated 9 sheets a day).
  7. Before you do that are you certain that you are drawing in clean fuel from the tank you are filling? Tap to left = RH tank. Tap forward = LH tank. Not like on a Land Rover. I would look at the plugs, they easily soot up. Replace them or sandblast them clean. Also check your condenser! Then go into carb. I once had a similar running problem & found it was only running on 3 cylinders!
  8. Found this in a later manual (WW2). Might help, a view of no.5
  9. That's all I can manage anyway, well actually its all done with the one finger. Sorry to hear about the accident. Not been bitten by Paul's black widow I hope? So just these last three to identify. GE has been holding back to allow a few for the master to complete.
  10. Yes "canvas horse trough" So now 10 points to GE (dix pointes) So just 5, 6 & 10 to get now. Everyone else has given up, I would have thought RF would have come in to sweep the board.
  11. For those wondering about the request attempt on Radio W&P. I believe a man with a poor command of the English language & a full portapotti tank went into the studio cabin requesting a hit record by Gorki Butchek titled "bing, bang, bing, bang, bing" that had been at number one in his country for 10 years. Apparently the DJ was unable to spell it or find it. An alternative was suggested in the form of a Lulu record. But this was declined by the man as Lulu was apparently banned in Kazakhstan. The next day a text request was sent to another DJ. This was read out in an Eastern accent, but the record was not available. I believe the man so distraught with the shame that had been brought on his family by not getting his request indicated various things would have to be done to his goat, culminating in him having to eat it. He asked whether sending his wife along would he facilitate the request. I happened to hear the DJ that morning who referred to a text he had received & merely suggested that plenty of seasoning should be applied to the goat. So that is what I heard.
  12. I don't know how big the rods are, but I used to use carbon rods for a carbon arc accessory that came with my stick welder.
  13. You might think that but I couldn't possibly suggest such a thing. It is a variant of one of the other items in the collection.
  14. Nope, no. 1 isn't a bath as you say a bit small. I assume the grease extraction was prevent the grease clogging up the other soakaways. Maybe they used it for cooking the next day?
  15. You also had the satisfaction of knowing that the seller was not bidding it up himself. For if he was doing that then he wouldn't have done the copies for you. The trouble with modern AESPs is that even buying direct from the MOD, they are copies just printed to order. So I think you did alright there, but a bit scary how it can spiral out of control.
  16. Perhaps widows find you attractive? :cool2:
  17. Paul that all sounds pretty miserable. So presumably the Rover is infested with these things then. Can you put some bait out to draw them into a trap? So what do they eat apart from muscular young men? Do you know your vehicle history has it been abroad or are these local little nasties do yo think? Not nice at all, sympathies.
  18. Oh sorry, I'll go back to sleep.
  19. It was an AA breakdown Jeep, driven by Tony an AA man himself & MV enthusiast.
  20. GE it may be unfair but I'm afraid that is the only view given in the book, but you're doing pretty despite that. You are correct on: 8 washing up bench but you're close enough 9 yes for grease 13 So far you have scored 9 points (neuf pointes). You were closer to no. 10 with your first suggestion. In no.1 the curved bit is made of canvas. Yet to go:
  21. OK Andrea, yes once GE has cleaned up these last few. I'll post it on here.
  22. Well done GE, between the wars actually but I doubt that it would have changed much from WW1. You are correct on the following: 2 3 4 7 8 getting warm 10 getting warm 11 12 So you have 6 points (6 pointes) So these remain to be fully identified:
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