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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. A bit like the home grown contender that is my Avatar :-(
  2. Mike thank you looking that up. The significance of the name is rather lost on me. Isn't the translation a "damp marsh" or similar? Seems a bit odd but therein may lie the success of having a good project codeword!
  3. Mike thank you that was a good read. Nice see it from the other side. I think the Hornet left over there was Prototype 3. The last I heard of it was about 12-15 years ago when it was for sale I think or at least "discovered" somewhere. Do you have any info on Toolondoo? It only ever gets briefly mentioned if at all. The only book I have found that covered Australian GWs was "Fire across the Desert" I was put onto it by someone who worked for Hampshire Fire Brigade. Their library has a copy presented to them by a visiting Fire Chief from Australia. Someone hadn't done their research properly as the book was about a different sort of fire
  4. Well it might spring to your mind Wayne! Anyway I think purple is the correct colour, it was the last time I saw anything like that.
  5. That would have been embarrassing, not just a red face
  6. Yes and no sitting down until it is really really dry! Re: glue inside the roof. Have you got the original vinyl covered foam padding? I think mine went to Wilson. If you do put some up again rather than use normal foam, for that sort of thing a sheet of camping roll is nice & firm. Often you can buy damaged roles quite cheaply from dealers who find it unsaleable when damaged. Normal foam easily goes floppy & messy once covered with glue. The vinyl covering is beige Dunlop TRAKMARK. Very expensive to buy but chandlery stores often have it. I was lucky & found a boat builder who used it in some sort of racing yachts. There were some quite useful off-cuts that were very cheap.
  7. It isn't actually.These are 10-volt coils from a Rover 24-volt system. My 4-cylinder Rover is 12-volt & my 24-volts ones are diesels. I don't even own a Rover 24-volt distributor nor the filter/ballast unit. Without these accessories with their leads & connectors it is exceeding difficult to make a proper join to the coil terminals hidden in the screening cap, unlike the B Series ones that just unscrew
  8. Yes there is scope in trying that (sorry) Bit of a fiddle to set up to try to measure something that may be defective. I have carried out resistance & inductance readings for primary & secondary for 10 coils in all. There are 3 of one particular type, one is NOS & gives sensible readings. The other are well used, have sensible resistance readings for both windings & for the primary inductance. But I can't see why the secondary inductance won't give a reading. If it was shorted turns then not only would the resistance be down then the inductance would certainly still be in range. The problem is I don't know whether I am comparing like with like. They are Lucas 5C10 but they all have different part numbers, there were at least 6 versions. I really need to get more coils to read.
  9. Ah I wouldn't have taken much interest even in the TM. For most of my visit I was all over the Shorland.
  10. That would be a head turner & I should think churn up quite a few memories for many National Servicemen. Has it been tucked away somewhere? When I went round about 16 months ago I didn't see it.
  11. Bob not at all, I'm sure many of us enjoy peering into items like this & watching practical solutions emerge. Holds more interest for me than guns & flags. I can appreciate the beauty of seeing nice & clean electrical contacts. Its amazing just how easily an ohm or so can creep in, most unwelcome where amps are meant to flow. I was following through a thread on another forum with a distributor fault & although everything seemed to read alright with an ohmmeter, once 4 amps wanted to flow through a couple of ohms there wasn't much coming out! Well a drop of 8 volts! PS Is it a military grade grease? If you know the classification I can check out its temperature range.
  12. Gary these people came here last week & took some stuff & packaged it up & sent it to NI. I don't know if there is weight limit. But they seemed obliging. http://www.packsend.co.uk/southampton
  13. Has anyone done any measuring of the inductance of ignition coils? Measuring the primary is easy enough with a LCR meter but I'm getting confusing results with the secondary. The problem is my LCR meter only goes to 20H so I am having to use my old inductance bridge which goes to 100H. It's a bit fiddly to set up with tan delta adjustment. Various coils range from 22H to 70H, but a couple look as if they are over 100H which is beyond the range of the bridge. These coils have intact resistance & no high voltage break down. Should any coils actually be more than 100H?
  14. Thank you everyone for your kind wishes, but my entry in the members list is an April Fool that has been lying dormant for some years & only got triggered this year. I'm afraid I was not born on 1st April 1902, none of it is true. In fact I am only a quarter of that age
  15. Well done Chris. So Wayne, that looks like that sorts out the Champ owners from the Pig owners then :-)
  16. Wayne I'm sure you're on the right lines with such a big smooth hole it. I have a couple of good cross-sectional diagrams, but some things aren't allocated a ref number & a few are but aren't listed. This single float this moves up & down a shaft, unlike the double floats that rotate about a horizontal axis in B60s etc.
  17. Thank you Jack & Wayne, I've never had a birthday greeting posted before. But if you look in the members list & look at my birth date perhaps you shouldn't believe any of it? :rofl:
  18. Jack, does it not have a Solex number stamped on the flat surface? Could you take a picture of that end piece viewing the larger diameter? I only have experience of the B60 but if this has a modest hole as opposed to a tiny jet hole it reminds me of what should fit at the top of the emulsion tube.
  19. Does the brass thing have a hole in the middle? Looks like jet or a jet holder?
  20. Hope this might help it's from the RR Workshop Manual
  21. To define the document you'll need to specify the EMER subject eg Power, Wheeled Vehicles etc Even so E024-1 doesn't ring any bells as an EMER. Are you sure it it a British document & not an Australian one ie an EMEI?
  22. Well I got the fiche reader out & camera at the ready, then dugout the fiche index film. Chapters 1 & 11 it says are published in engine AESPs 2815-K-061-512. I need to search & see whether I have these. Most of my fiche is not catalogued yet. Chapter 14 "not to be published" So if you bought AESPs with these missing that would explain their absence. I'll scratch around & see if I have the engine AESPs.
  23. This is on offer at the moment, http://www.maplin.co.uk/usb-digital-microscope-with-200x-magnification-266073 I bought it for some close up photography of small components. But laying a sheet of fiche over it with only the ceiling light to back light it I was pleased to be able to read it. I was disappointed when I bought my last scanner some years ago that it had back lighting but only produced splodgey words that were barely legible. This Maplin thing could be useful. The problem is that the focus is very sharp & it goes out of focus just by the slight curvature of the film. I think I need to place it between two glass sheets for rigidity as in a proper reader. The other problems are clicking the capture button without it moving & I can't get a full page on one exposure. I had it on the highest resolution so this image is 3.8mb, I think I can bring that down without losing much detail. Needs some refining but £25 is better than the cheapest digital scanner that with postage is over £1,000. Considering I didn't buy it to read fiche, this is a bonus.
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