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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Getting back to the Chinese & their wheelbarrows.
  2. Ah you beat me to it, just dug out my Clothing Regulations Pam. No.13 covering ACF & where CCF is mentioned it is qualified by Army Section.
  3. The tar does for horses what the creosote does for men.
  4. Some years ago I remember seeing in the Science Museum Reserve Collection at Wroughton, the Chinese wind-powered wheel barrow used by a priest to cross the Sahara in 94 days. Incidentally wheel barrows in Army stables used to have to be coated with tar.
  5. Yes it is indeed a Mowag 1950s Swiss Army trainer I believe. I went to see one once in Battersea I think, when we used to buy MVs from the back pages of Exchange & Mart. It was advertised as a water cannon! Once I crawled all over the thing I suggested that it had been wrongly described. Well they changed the advert, next week it was a flame thrower!
  6. A Timoney http://www.army-technology.com/contractors/armoured/timoney
  7. The reply came back that the yellow zinc primer was a "general yellow" & not advised to be left without a top coat of something. They suggested this: http://www.paints4trade.com/euroguard-primer-finish-paint-1058-p.asp Anyway thank you Nick but I have already ordered above in Lemon 355.
  8. No surprise been told my review will not be used & was sent a warning about legal costs & all that sort of thing. I also complained to the website that it was misleading to show pictures 6 flavours when they were not actually available. My comments were going to be 'passed on', but the advert still shows 6 coloured cans. Thought this might be the answer: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320638988256?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 I asked them was the yellow something close to BSC381C Lemon 355? But had no reply, so not very inspiring.
  9. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Well that'll serve you right for upgrading Bernard. My phone is a microcosm of life, if I try to use a later version of anything it only leads to trouble in that it seems incompatable with everything else that once used to work ok.
  10. I have spoken with Nigel Hay & he points out Milweb is not a secure site (ie https). Their payments are handled by a different server that is secure. So as you say Chris my Android is trying to set up a secure link to a site that is not secure hence the message. It's odd that I only get on the Classified section & ARRSE. Anyway I know now to ignore such warnings on the Android when it is trying to access a normal http site.
  11. So I have posted a review on the lines that it is a misleading advert, wonder whether that will see the light of day?
  12. David it's been like this for 2 weeks now. On two visits travelling through France in hotels using wifi linked to Orange I found it immediately triggered a lot of spam that lasted for weeks. So if I'm warned it makes me wary.
  13. Yes its odd Simon although last year I installed an antivirus programme that says it is clean.
  14. Well I went into Halfords & apparently it only comes in grey. I got them to search their site for "yellow zinc primer" & up it came in 6 different flavours! So there is either some deception afoot or the page compiler is a nitwit:-D
  15. On my Android tablet I'm now getting problems visiting Milweb & ARRSE. A warning comes saying that the site security certificate does not come from a trusted source. Up to a few weeks ago there was no problem & even now viewing those sites on my phone & the PC there is no problem. I can of course ignore those warnings on the Android, but my concern is if I visit a site for the first time & I get such a warning is it to be believed? So does anyone else get warnings about those two sites & if not, is there some way I can reset the tablet to be more accurate?
  16. Yes you are quite right. The problem is evident on the original one coat spraying, all I'm aiming to do is reproduce that.
  17. I've got some in Eau de Nil, but that was before there were warning labels on tins. I think I'll just have to get a can of the yellow stuff from Halfords & if it looks ghastly then I'll just use it as a primer to be covered up on other projects rather than the one & only coat on the gearbox. Just trying to rid of the all pervading olive drab that covers major assemblies on rebuilds in 1972 which took 350-550 man hours.
  18. I suspect the original paint on my Humber Pig gearbox was yellow zinc chromate. Although with time & grime it is not easy to be certain of the original shade of yellow! The only thing that fits the bill in terms of zinc chromate, colour & use that I can find in VAOS & COSA is specified as Lemon BSC 355. I see Halfords do aerosols of zinc primer in various colours, one of which is a bright yellow judging by the plastic cap. Has anyone used this? Does it look like the desired colour? All other outlets for zinc primers are red oxide & grey, even some that are water based which doesn't sound too durable. I checked which Halford stores had it in stock, but the stock checker is none too clever as you can't check which particular colours are in stock. http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_173576_langId_-1_categoryId_255239
  19. Phil I've got a very nice graph I've adapted that I'm going to use in the coming article that plots required HT versus road speed with separate plots for idle, full throttle & accelerating. Accelerating is very demanding in voltage as you might imagine. Re the PC problem not sure how much was to do with the cleaning up the registry & how much it was to do with a salt & vinegar crisp stuck in the keyboard. With use the crisp got crushed just removed the last bit :red:
  20. Yes Bernard its very easy to get in a mental rut influenced by what others have also thought. These images are quite pretty, I have got several sets of pictures with shutter on "burst". Might take a clip for youtube. The trouble is trying to hold the camera steady & in focus because it doesn't like being focussed on the spark & hold down the button on the megger. I think this one is 2,500 volts it did jump the gap a few times but preferred jumping round the edge. Ok now I think. Once I removed & repaired registry things seemed to solve it. It started yesterday when I was on here. I posted one reply then started on another but it kept running away so the reply was pages & pages of unending blank message. Then when opening a file or a programme I would get 60+ of them opening until the memory couldn't cope. Making me a bit hotter on doing a daily back up!
  21. Yes & well done again. That is precisely the problem. The leakage due to the carbonisation was 200 megohms. The arcing is as the result of only applying 1,000 volts, which was insufficient to jump the spark gap. Increasing it to 2,500 volts allowed it to jump the gap. Well for some of the time as there were usually 2 or 3 points of arcing around the "insulator". So not a very reliable state of affairs although the engine ran & one might assume that the sparking department was working properly!
  22. Yes it is indeed Andy! Well done for thinking small. It is a RSN13P. But can anyone say what is happening here?
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