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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. It could do that I suppose but not the intended purpose though.
  2. Nope its not that Tony although it does get fairly warm.
  3. Good line of thought Iain but not sort of sophistication.
  4. Don't think so Wayne just a brown varnish.
  5. Ian not a packing sort of thing, it has a more active role.
  6. Looks plausible Iain but not that sort of thing.
  7. I don't know if there are such things Jerry, but this isn't one. Bear in mind there are civilian applications for this as well.
  8. It is some internal fitting Iain, but not a muffler.
  9. It's fairly bendable with little spring to it. Yes Jerry I suppose it is. It does lie within something & enclose something else.
  10. I know the sort clamp fitting thing you mean, but it's not one of those.
  11. Sorry to disappoint Wayne but nothing lavatorial this time.
  12. Jerry not that but keep them coming. Here is a major give away :-D
  13. Good thinking Tony & I'm glad to see you are following up clues. I know what you are thinking "Window" & that sort of thing. But this I suppose is much lower in frequency if one thinks of it in those terms.
  14. Bernard I think you have been watching too much Channel 5 or wild west fantasies are getting the better of you.:-D
  15. Ah yes Bernard an important point raised. It is about 5in x 16in when stretched out.
  16. Afraid not Jerry, actually titanium would have been totally unsuitable for this particular item.
  17. Welcome Mac, so you're sort of Hamble way I assume. Shame how GW got broken up. There is a GW Hornet in the Soton area. Were you ever involved with that project or their armoured Land Rovers I wonder?
  18. That's one I hadn't thought of John, but no it's not that.
  19. Jerry you are right it isn't. I think you are assuming that maybe there is resonance associated with the length of sections of it & in a vague sort of way there is some truth to that. Funnily enough you are right this was built in the 1970s :-D But has been built & used before & after. I have several of these from 1950s-80s.
  20. 1. Has someone been peeping? :-D 2. Plausible but it isn't.
  21. Certainly looks as if it could be Tony but it isn't.
  22. I hadn't thought of that one but it isn't.
  23. Mike depending on the levels of conversion I think I once counted over 90 lubrication points! You were switched into Humbers before I really got going & you made quite a few contributions to Max Richard's 'Humber Directory' Newsletter. A couple of years ago Max passed all his original records to me for safe keeping. There are some nice glossies of yours, particularly of a 'naked' Humber. Was that a driver training thing or some other reason? The current Pig (FV1609) I have had for about 10 years & still restoring it. The current work is removing all the rubber paint from the torsion bars & rubbing them down to eliminate rust & the risk of snapping. The especially vulnerable point is where one bar passes close to a channel that houses one of 3 bolts supporting the torque reaction bracket for the T/F box. Not a good design feature, but of course it wasn't designed like that, it was a mod. The bracket was originally welded to the chassis. Yes it can snap because my decomposing FV1601 (which proves the rot problem!) now is missing that bar, which was used for a Pig that snapped this bar! Mike whilst I have got you have you seen a tap on tyre pumps before? I have never seen this pumps before. Normally it is blanked over. On Similar pumps for other vehicles I have seen a gauze here. But I assume for wading a gauze is not a good idea. Having destroyed 3 such pumps because of irregular use & poor lubrication I just wondered whether it was to introduce oil for the otherwise sticking piston? I know there is a tiny groove in the shaft into the crank case but this is only going to allow a very small amount of oil in & only when it has really got going. When I first serviced the pump a lot of oil came out through the tap & in fact the filter was completely soaked in oil. I don't know whether this was an official mod as all EMER mods prior to WV N257 No.37 were cancelled. Any ideas?
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