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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Sleepless night Roy? That depends on you & the skill of your fellow contestants. Nope not an exploding target.
  2. Looks a bit that way Wally but nope it isn't.
  3. Andy not a tool in the accepted sense. But it is a thing that does something though. Sorry picture is rather dark makes it look light night
  4. Yes Lee I had one of those my balsa wood fleet. Fitted one a Venom bomber & it was the power unit on Sputnik on a rubber band launched rocket. The launch rail for the Sputnik jammed & the rocket caught fire Zepplin style. But anyway this thing is not Jetex related.
  5. It does Lee but I wouldn't fancy being injected by this baby
  6. At one time I had made provision in my will for my technical book collection to go to a large organisation related to our hobby. As I found great difficulty accessing any books that they already held, it seemed that my bequest would rather wasted, so I decided to change my will. What I need to do is pencil on the covers the current market value with the date so that when the collection in parts is sold to book dealers a fairish price is offered. Books bought 30 years ago for 30p might now be worth £30. It's just I know the first thing a book dealer does when considering a purchase is to see what I paid for it. What I paid for it & when should surely have no bearing on today's value!
  7. Para Sqn RAC would have white 2 over yellow /red RAC badge. Have pics at home. At Bovington this weekend.
  8. Yes well done Richard I knew I could rely on you! Yes just as the green disc was for RAOC Stores this is the equivalent for RE Stores. With your earlier brown triangle suggestion that it was "dirt" thinking of it as a pile of earth I assume is how the RE symbol was chosen? I can come off watch now & go to bed & you can sleep easy
  9. No but you are sort of warm Roy but weigh it up with a recent mystery object & what Richard & Wally earlier suggested.
  10. I can see what you mean Roy but its not that. Think about recent mystery objects & the suggestions from Richard & Wally.
  11. That would be a white flag Richard. Nothing to do directly with water or jerricans.
  12. Wally I know where you are coming from with a triangle & I can recall seeing triangles of some sort on extinguishers but its not at all related to that. You & Richard have got quite warm & also think about other mystery objects of late
  13. Richard I found that one as well after you mentioned the Army Emergency Reserve Resource Unit, which I had never heard of before. But the clue is staring you in the face & it is not a complicated answer
  14. Wally its not that either. Although like Richard's post it is getting warm. But the answer is nothing as complicated.
  15. No Richard but you could be getting warm
  16. Richard its not unit type badge if you were thinking of vehicle markings, although it might make a good one for someone.
  17. Interesting Lex but not the answer I'm looking for. This is a military symbol rather than a civil one.
  18. Looks that it could be Wally but its not for that.
  19. I know what you mean but that is a bit more complicated.
  20. That wouldn't have crossed my mind Richard. I'm quite surprised that you could think of such an interpretation for a brown triangle. Although I can now see what you mean & it is most certainly not that sort of thing.
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