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Don Burgett - 15th September 1940 was the day that the RAF....


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15th September 1940 was the day that the RAF claimed they won the Battle of Britain and our shores were safe from invasion.


I had a busy day scheduled yesterday but took a break in mid-day to watch TV and check the news and weather. Checked in on History Channel and found "The Battle of Britain" on; I stayed glued to the set for the rest of the day to also catch "Pearl Harbor." Both spectacular films.


Each time I watch either film I see so many other things that suddenly register, that it is like seeing them again for the first time.


Yesterday I think the full impact finally hit me like a 500 pound bomb. I was aware of the history before and having been in some bad spots myself I appreciated what those men and women went through. But somehow yesterday it was a little different. It came through so clear that I found tears on my cheeks. My God. If it hadn't been for their sacrifices of years that each and every one of them made, there would have been no free world today.


Never mind the US and all its power, what the Brits did was; they saved the world. The Germans had all of Europe totally under their control. If England had fallen I firmly believe Russia would have gone under to the Nazis also.


Without that Island of stubborn brave British cousins of ours How would any country have landed on Normandy's shores? We almost didn't make it with an island to jump the 20 plus miles to France, how the hell could we have done it from New York to France? Without the Brits, their island, their courage, their help and their knowledge? It was THEY who broke the Inigma Code, not us, to give us all a decided edge.


I also watched the aftermath. The many brave British pilots who suffered so terribly with, at times, most of their bodies burned away while still alive and concious in their fighter cockpits. To somehow have survived that ordeal and then with guts and nerve to survive the raw pain of surgery and rehabilitation to look almost human. Then to return to loved ones and countrypeople. Most people would involuntarily go into shock when they saw these brave souls the first time. It was the survived RAF pilot who bravely stayed the course and returned to life the best he could.


But it went further. After the Battle of Britain and the winning of the air battle there came a glimpse of the horrors of our future. Buzz Bombs blanketed England and still the RAF rose to the fight. Then came the inter contenintal ballistic missle, the V2. The V2 rocket reached 72 miles in altitude to return to earth at better than 3000 miles an hour to strike a one square mile target at will.


No radar could forwarn anyone. No anti aircraft weapon could intercept them. No fighter plane could help in any way. More civilians died of these monstors after the air war was won by Britain than did the total deaths of the Blitz. I was in London on furlough during some of these happenings of the V-I and V-2.


And still the British stood by their guns. What a people. What a time in history. What a story.


Donald R. Burgett WWII

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