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Wandering in Normandy

Uroš U.

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Me and my girlfriend are comming to Normandy on the 3rd of June and we are staying in Deauville for a week and we are planning to wander around for whole week. Now, I want to ask you guys, what is worth to see in Normandy? We are planning to visit all beaches, as much museums and cities as we can. Where will be the main event on the 6th of June? Where are you planning to stay and what are you planning to visit?


I hope we will meet somewhere and that I will be able to take some pictures of you and your vehicles :) I'll be the annoying one with the camera who will stock you around :cool2:


I'm wondering if it's possible to join you for a day trip? I can support you with a beer :beer: :-D





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hello has you and you will be biebvenus in normandie.pour the commemoration of the unloading, c' is a little more has l' west of DEAUVILLE between OUISTREHAM and COLLEVILLE /MER.il will have there also more in the ground of with dimensions of CARENTAN and St EGLISE.sinon MOTHER for the visits, you will have some of all sortes.habitant the town of CAEN I you council the MEMORIAL OF PEACE and the visit of the castle of CAEN and CLIFF, the castles of GUILLAUME CONQUERAND.La area and not badly rapporochant of your area because not badly of buildings of your country are manufactured with stones of CAEN. there is d' elsewhere a legend like what, if turns of l' abaye of the man, St Etienne s' collapse the royalty d' England tombera.si for prepared your tour in Normandy you need information soucis.cordialement not

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