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Australian Guy Quad Ant


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I have seen a site that mentioned Australians brought these back from europe but where religated to training and then disposed see site http://www.oldcmp.net/guy_1.html . I was wondering what gun and limber they would have had with them when they brought these British pattern vehicles back to OZ

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The Australian Guy Quads .  I found these newspaper snippets and adverts . I am not sure about how these arrived in Aust. , not directly from Europe, but more likely they were issued to Australian units in the Middle East and then shipped to Aust. with the returning Aust. units. I have not found any Guy Quads listed in the Aust. army registration books , the AWM 126 vehicle ledgers are available online. https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/C1424610

By 1944, the army here had standardized on CMP and US type vehicles . The British W.D. type vehicles that were held in vehicle parks were deemed to be Non-Standard and some of these were released for sale to essential users as early as Nov. 1944 . The essential users were: primarily farmers and bush fire brigades. The bush fire brigades were allocated some of the 15 cwt Ford WOT2 and Morris CS8 and Bedford MW vehicles.

I found a newspaper pic. dated Feb. 1945 , a Guy Quad being used on a farm near Temora NSW. The West.Aust newspaper article is misleading as I've never heard of any of the Guy Quads being found over there, all of the survivors have been found in NSW or Victoria.








Edited by goanna
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