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bedford mw square or hexagon nuts?

Danny P

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I'm using the "bedford authorised service parts catalogue (7/MW/PL9, dated June 1947) as a guide for my bedford mw restoration project. Striking in this catalogue is the listing of hexagon nuts for MWD body fixing.


In the catalogue only hexagon nuts are listed with all the carriage/coach bolts for front-, side- and tailboard fixing.

I was under the assumption that also square nuts are used, for instance, for tailboard fixing?

I know for sure the side boards are fixed with hexagon nuts. And how about the inside of the GS-body? I have square nuts inside as presented in the picture below.


So, according to the catalogue this is incorrect? I've seen other bedfords also having square nuts. One thing I'm sure, going through the catalogue, it will drive you nuts :nut:, but I still like to know the right application for the body! P.S. I have the side drop down version of the GS-body. Who has the knowledge?



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That's a very interesting story! I think we always like to follow a logical reasoning but often encounter the opposite.


I have a mix of hex and sq nuts all over the outside of the truck but I believe some wood has ever been replaced. On the sides there are more hex nuts on the upper (drop down) part of the hinges rather then on the bottom fixed part. All of the hex nuts on my truck are the big ones you mentioned.




The tail board has more sq nuts rather then hex and there are some bolts oversized.




If I'm right, the tail board of Maurice truck has all sq nuts.




I think I will try to follow your scheme when rebuilding the body, if I have at least enough hex. nuts :undecided: and maybe I will use all sq nuts on the tail board when I have a shortage of hex nuts or like to follow Maurice truck.

Summarized in a way a mix would be permitted for my late war dated truck, if I have understood correctly.


Just one question John, how about your front iron angles and front angle reinforcement on the front board inside of the body, not inside the cab? Just like my first picture in this thread?


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Hi John,


Below some pictures from the tailboard. The coach bolts are supported by three plates. Two outer plates are having one little whole each at the inside top and the plate in the centre has two little wholes at the top. What are they for?


You can also see the tailboard side cappings which I believe is fitted with the later bodies (year???) Subsequently the sq nuts would be correct on the tailboard because of these side cappings?


The step plates are fitted with sq nuts. The plates next to the steps, are they correct?



tailboard inside right.JPG


Next the insides of the side boards and floor board

floor front right.JPG

sideboard inside left back.JPG


I now see there are some modern hex nuts on the floor angles. I have plenty of sq nuts in stock, should I replace them with the sq nuts or should they all be hex inside the body??? How exactly did you copy the hex nuts?


The eye plate for the chain is fitted with coach bolts which do not fit. The heads protrudes from the eye plate. The other bolts below are countersunk which you were mentioning and are correct then.


John, many questions you can read. I would really appreciate if you can answer them now we are on the subject?

Please also remember my first question in the thread accompanied with that first picture!




floor back right.JPG

sideboard inside left back below.JPG

tailboard inside left.JPG

tailboard inside middle.JPG

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Hi John,


Tomorrow evening I'm going to someone who is going to cut some iron plates for me. Going through my list I realize that I have no measurements at all of the tailboard step plates as shown on your picture below. Would it be possible to send me the measurements TONIGHT????:blush:


I would be very grateful but I understand if it does not succeed!



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