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Ariel W/NG (late '41) van der Linde

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Have a late '41 W/NG with ambiguous history. This is my first restoration. I normally build 'bikes: Chops, customs, hybrids, with a special penchant for Guzzis, as this goes against the grain of your commercial builder.

I thought this restore would be a challenge.....but, this is turning out to be, quite, laughable. In my 'world' of custom building it is a very tight-knit community although we are always there to help each other out. In the old club I was with, we had a saying,"Together, we stand alone."

I thought, by doing this restore, I would find immeasurable help, due to the comradeship heard of in war time days. Haven't found this, so far, out there on other forums: Ambiguity, closed doors, bad manners, One-Upmanship.....just some of the things I have encountered. But, I must say, there have been a few who have shined. So, thank you, to those.

I was hoping to find this forum to be a change. So far, it has been brilliant! Hats off to those who have pointed me in directions of expertise and wealth of knowledge. I am looking forward to enjoying the W/NG restoration again. Meeting too many Brick Walls and wannabees was challenging my faith in all this.

I build and ride 'bikes. Nothing more. Nothing less.

'nuff said.

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