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New convoy rendezvous point for Saturday 16th AM


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For those convoy participants that are not camping Friday night at Hardwick but want to join the Bolero Convoy on Saturday morning from slightly further South, Ed Abbott and myself have come up with an alternative rendezvous point.


At 09.30 hrs the convoy will arrive on the Southern End of the main runway at Eye Airfield, Suffolk, IP23 - Just off of the main A140 Norwich to Ipswich road. Here the convoy will pause for a brief look at the original runway (in its entirety) and integrate the new arrivals into the convoy, before leaving for Rattlesden.


This location is very easily accessible from the A140, (literally a couple of hundred yards from the main road) and with acres of concrete available, is an ideal spot to park the vehicles up without causing lots of congestion.


So anyone not wishing to travel all the way to Hardwick for 08.15 now have an alternative option.

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