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Another step in the right direction


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Hello folks, although I don't post on here all that often (due largely to owning a military vehicle as of yet) I am a bit of a lurker.


However, I have made another step in the right direction to said ownership!

It's not all that exciting but last year I reduced my fleet of 'civvy' vehicles by finaly selling my old '72 VW camper on ebay.


Well, this weelend has seen more fleet rationalisation and space creation by putting my coverted race car 'Project Bratwurst' up for grabs on the same site.


It's a bit of a pitty really as it's the closest thing to a military vehicle out of the entire fleet (i.e. it has no interior comforts and looks like it's already been through one war!) but I cannot justify the expense of getting it to and from events so it has to go.


Sadly most of the funds raised will be channeled towards the next project to be completed but that too will then be flogged for a bit more and so it'll hopefully go on until I have a truck sized space and some hard cash burning a hole in my pocket! :cool2:


That's the plan anyway, just thought I'd share.



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Cheers, just re-read my post and spotted all the spelling mistakes!


I would quite like an early Landrover as that would be the most practical and useable soloution. However, I have had a hankering for a 1950's Commer Q4 for a few years now. Space might still be an issue though.

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