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Posts posted by Mark

  1. Hi All

    Just to let you know that the Hop Farm or Beltring home of the War and Peace Show has been sold to new owners, this will/maybe affect the show for future years. :(

    The board at IMPS will hopefully be in discussion with the owners as we are very much still associated with the show, I will keep you all posted as and when news is available.

  2. OK Update on MV Ban in France;


    According to one of our board members of IMPS, he went to France and met with the top frenchman in the MV over there and came back with I quote "If you go over there with a club or a special do like Tanks in Mons or Bethune, then you will be issued with a special permit allowing you to take your MV, if you go on your own, then you will lose it" unquote :cry:


    So as it stands, make sure that any trips are properly organised through a club and get the correct permit or lose a lot of money.


    I hope this is clearer for now, if I get anymore info I will pass it on :)

  3. I have read all through the site and can see no catch, but they are not very forthcoming about who they are dealing with, but saying that it is a good idea and it could save a fair bit if it comes off. Is anyone going to join :?:

  4. I may be stupid but, does it not stem from the early days when horses were used to pull machinery etc. and all the automotive industry done was use the phrase to describe the power output of a mechanical device :shock:

  5. OK All

    For all you clever people out there in big American vehicles (I only have a small one :oops: , have you ever seen a right hand drive dodge, if you have not then look at the picture below.




    I do believe that the steering wheel is on our side and it is an American driving it during Operation Cobra, this is part of the first motorized column over the River Vire in France.


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